We are a guild that joined 8.2 late and spent the tier building our core roster who share the same principals and goals of consistently hitting Cutting edge as us. Our aim for all new recruits is to help maintain an enjoyable, approachable raiding environment with a balanced raiding Schedule. If this is something that interests you then we would love to hear from you.
Our expectations from all new recruits
-Punctual on raid days and come prepared with ALL consumables
-Communicate with us availability and issues that arise
-Except criticism
-Maintain and research their class to perform at maximum ability
-Our team do bench players for Various reasons be prepared if you get ask to sit on prog boss
*12/12 (H) Ny’alotha, the Waking City
6/12 (M) Ny’alotha, the Waking City
High Prioity
*Resto Druid
*Disc Priest
Low Prioity
*Ret Paladin
*Demon Hunter
*Holy Paladin
All exceptional Players will be considered regardless of class/spec
Wednesday 8:00–11:30 PM
Monday 8:00–11:30 PM
Sunday 8-11pm Causal/Alt heroic clear
- Itslucky -
- Secondtier -
- Lycros -
If you have any questions then feel free to contact an officer.