We’re currently looking to fill a few of our DPS positions on the Mythic raid team. We’re in particular need of a DH but all classes will be considered for a spot!
Aye. I wish yae luck.
Smiles and raises a tankard of stout then takes a big gulp.
Hi I would like to join the pirate peter muskrat army for raiding can make thursday raid but not the tuesday one, had some mythic experience briefly in the past with a demon hunter but my guild fell apart frownn, Main is Tourist 60 balance druid
Still needing a few dps for our mythic progression team especially a DH (will take either spec) all specs welcome to give us a shot
Pushing through heroic, still looking for some dps and potentially a tank for heroic/mythic progression in the future!
Looking for more people to join us for AotC and beyond! We’re seeking all DPS and a ranged healer who could flex to DPS as needed. Whisper me in game/on btag or drop some contact information here if you’re interested.
I’ve been looking for an RP PvE PvP guild. I would like to speak about the guild more. I’ve tried contacting members in game but had no luck.
Hey! Message me on discord at lady_dwarf#9863 and we can chat.
Unfortunately my Discord needs to be fixed - I’ve been getting an error message about it when I start up.
Oh, I had that happen a while back! You can also catch me in game most nights after 8pm, or alternatively you can send me some in-game mail and we’ll get in touch that way
Burda is my best friend, and her guild is ok.
Still looking for raiders for our Tuesday/Thursday raid team! Currently 7/10 heroic and will be pushing into mythic once we get AoTC
Still miss seeing this guild. Again, since War Mode came out, I haven’t seen you. You guys should consider flipping it on so I can come say hello.
In all seriousness, you will endure my wrath again, doggos.
We’re still looking for more players to join our raid team! We’re currently 9/10 Heroic and looking to get AotC this week. We would love to jump right into Mythic once we get AotC, but we still need a few slots filled. We are looking for a fourth healer and several more ranged DPS. If you’re interested, message me or Bierta in game, or get a hold of me on Discord at dlinedj#6175.
Can I put my dorf in here?
I feel like I haven’t seen much of ANYONE out since Shadowlands launched. Hopefully that’ll change as we go further on in the expac because I def miss the WPvP. My WM is always on, feel free to come looking for me in Maldraxxus. I never turn down a good fight
I likely WILL endure your wrath, as I am a baddy at pvp. However, War Mode is always on! Always up for a little tangle.
I’m new to alliance and just spent the past week unlocking kul tirans haha now i’m kinda just searching around for a guild for me and my friend who is also pretty new to allliance, we happen to be on ED and well I’ve seen you guys in oribos and liked the name so thought I’d search for a thread and here I am XD any response is appreciated and me and my friend are interested in rp and raiding for reference.
Hey Delreth! Feel free to add me on Discord at Daintombarm#6318 and let’s chat about doing a guild interview.
For sure I sent a friend request