Miss you guys. I haven’t seen you since War Mode came out ><
You must keep WM off.
Maybe try looking down occasionally- most of our pvpers are dwarves and gnomes, we can be easy to overlook!
You might wanna try turning War Mode on friend !
Bumping to let everyone know that we are now recruiting players for Mythic raiding in Shadowlands! Details are in the original post =)
That was me who sawed your feet off.
Come play with us… forever… and ever…
Need rdps for mythic shadowlands raiding!
I’m honestly blown away by how many have shown interest in raiding for Shadowlands. We ARE still looking for some more healers to try out for the Mythic team. We would prefer a Holy Paladin, but any talented healer would be considered, regardless of spec!
Aye. I’ve seen some of ya ‘round Stormwind. Hope ya find what yer lookin’ fer. Cheers!
Hello! I am looking to come back to raiding in Shadowlands and was very interested in raiding as Holy! I raided regularly from Vanilla through Wrath, and then again in Legion. I would be very interested in having a conversation with you all about potentially joining up!
We just have to pester Shakaria to doing it. EZ.
Due to an overwhelming amount of interest, we are closing recruitment until after Shadowlands launches. I was honestly blown away by how many people are excited to raid!
Since our last post we’ve had a few people that have had to withdraw due to IRL circumstances. We are seeking a few more healers for our Mythic raid team! If you are interested, contact me on Bnet at dlinedj#1911.
Needing healers for Mythic Raiding in Shadowlands!
Hi everyone,
Are there any available spots on the weekly heroic team? My guild is most likely changing the raid times to Fri/Sat which doesn’t fit my schedule so I may be looking for a new home.
@bierta I see you being a sneaky sneak in those bgs
Hey! I hate to be the bearer of bad news but both our heroic and our mythic raid teams are completely full. Best of luck on finding a raid team!
We had a few from our Mythic team step away for various reasons and are looking for more people to join us for Mythic progression in Castle Nathria! We are open to get players of any class, but are especially in need of a Havoc DH and a DPS who would be willing to flex to healer. If you are interested, please message me in game, over bnet @dlinedj#1911 or on Discord @dlinedj#6175!
Hey Tyrhael I just added you have some questions but am looking for a raiding guild I have 3 Healers and a lock 176+
My Bnet is Killawilla#1694