[A-RPPVP Xrealm] Clan Battlehammer of ED Now Recruiting!

King Regent Pragus returned to his quarters after a long and arduous meeting with other Alliance leaders about how strange and sometimes malevolent echos of the past had been appearing across Azeroth. He’d witnessed the echos himself while patrolling outside Blackrock Mountain, Clan Battlehammer’s base of operations. It had been awhile since a possible threat like this had reared its head so close to home.

Exhausted from the diplomacy, Pragus hopped on the bed and began to drift in and out of consciousness while looking at the painting of the great King Bruenor that hung opposite of his bed on the wall. Suddenly, the painting seemed to come to life and speak to him!

Pragus! Arise! Yer kin need yeh now!

The door to Pragus’ quarter swung open with a loud thump and shook him from his dream-like state.

“Pragus! Time teh git up and git to it!” bellowed General Katrell in his trademark joyfully chiding manner. “If yeh think those meetin’s wore yeh out, wait’ll yeh hear this!”

Katrell unfurled a large map of Azeroth with an area of the ocean to the west of Pandaria and southeast of Kalimdor circled with the words Khaz Algar written in in the middle. Next to this was a drawing of what appeared at first glance to be a dwarf in Stoneform, but on closer inspection Pragus noticed a label beneath that said simply “Earthen”.

“We need to act on this immediately,” said Katrell.

Pragus nodded in affirmation as Katrell continued, “It appears th’ lore o’ th’ Earthen and Khaz Algar has now been verified first hand by our scouts. Wha’ are yer orders?”

Pragus looked towards the painting of King Bruenor again and smiled as he began to say his peace. “Prepare th’ troops teh move. It beh our responsibility teh keep th’ Horde out of the ancestral lands o’ th’ Dwarves of Azeroth and ensure the Alliance pay th’ ancient kin proper respect when entering their land… an’ by extension o’ kin… our land. Weh shall seek teh work cooperatively with th’ Earthen and even welcome them inteh our ranks if they so choose. However, if any for any misguided reason some of the Earthen choose teh work with th’ Horde, they shall die as Horde rather than as kin. So beh it!”

Katrell nodded and hurried off to begin rallying the troops. Pragus, still looking at intently at the painting of King Bruenor, suddenly stood up tall and fired off a sharp salute at the painting before exiting his quarters with haste to help with the preparations.

Clan Battlehammer of Emerald Dream (now 15 years old and still going strong) is recruiting for the War Within, including from other realms now with the xrealm guild feature! We are an all-Dwarf (including Dark Iron and Earthen kin), Alliance-only RPPVP guild that prefers WARmode on.

What We Do

Gather together once a week for our Call to Arms to head out into the world and battlegrounds to kill Horde! If you’re online, you’re expected to be in the raid group and Discord. Talking in Discord is not required but listening is. If you can make it due to IRL, that’s okay, but the more the merrer. Try your best to be present! While we are casual compared to many guilds, we still like to give our best effort and come away with wins!

Engage in light-RP together by marching together, participating in short, pre/post in-character battle speeches (interaction encouraged but not required, you can just politely listen if speaking up isn’t your thing), and shouting our battlecry “Long Live Clan Battlehammer!” as we smash the Horde! We keep /s and /y in character but this is not required in other channels like guild chat. Deeper RP welcome as well but not required. We have a few loreheads with us that can help you with any RP questions.

Fight honorably by allowing the enemy to rez and reform at appropriate times to keep the battle going rather than camping folks into the, though especially honorless Horde may not receive such kindness.

Speak honorably by keeping politics, religion, etc. out of public channels. We’re here to enjoy being Dwarves in Azeroth. Keep IRL in IRL. We also stay PG13, avoiding consistent cursing, until after hours (10 PM server).

We are NOT a PVE guild, though several members do enjoy doing PVE content with each other. Do not expect a regular raid team, but if there is interest and we can pull people together we might give it a go.

Visit our Discord and reach out to an officer when you’re ready to join!



Ye spin me richt roond, lassie, richt roond
Like a record, lassie, richt roond, roond, roond
Ye spin me richt roond, lassie, richt roond
Like a record, lassie, richt roond, roond, roond

Gif Ah, Ah get tae ken yer name
Weel, gif Ah cuid trace yer private nummer, lassie
… Aw Ah ken is that tae me
Ye leuk like yer fu’ o’ fun
Open up yer lovin’ airms
Ah want some, want some

… Ah set ma sicht on ye
(An nae ither will dae)
An Ah, Ah’ve got tae hae ma wey noo, lassie
… Aw Ah ken is that tae me
Ye leuk like yer haein’ fun
Open up yer lovin’ airms
Watch oot, here Ah come

… Ye spin me richt roond, lassie, richt roond
Like a record, lassie, richt roond, roond, roond
Ye spin me richt roond, lassie, richt roond
Like a record, lassie, richt roond, roond, roond

Get yer beards shiny and come smash some kneecaps with us on Tuesdays.


Fer thane and mountain! It was nice to see yall stop by the booth at ToA!


Kuzzump Kazang a Riggedy Rang a Bump th’ Lump on th’ Pump

They’ve got the Greatforge seal of approval. :slight_smile: But for real, these lads and lasses are the best! I’ve been a member for near some 14 years now.

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I seem to recall fighting against you all, years ago, back when the Belf guild Elves of the North was around for wpvp. Fun times!


Kalrum… my arch enemy…

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Love coming across these lads and lasses!


Come Kin! We should get together for some friendly RP at some point! Feel free to reach out! - Perhaps a brawl…

~ Vanir Thaela Featherfall


Good to know there’s a dwarven guild with BLOOD on their beards and beer in their bellies!



A wee bit of a bump here, just the other night my kinsmen had a fantastic fight with Sunfury Battalion! Only wish I could’ve been there, everything I heard and saw painted a terrific battle of back and forths, before the clan fortified a cavern entrance and would not be expelled! As true dwarves, they held the line before the call to fight in grander battles was given, taking it to those trolls and Frostwolf filth in Alterac!

I only wish more Horde would come out to play on days I can play… I miss these grand fights!

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Hammer scouts had reported several bounty sightings in the Ringing Deeps. Forces were sent to dispatch the bounties and did so with relative ease. It seems the scuffle caught the attention of the notorious blood elves guild, Sunfury Battallion, as soon after the last bounty fell, they came roaring into the area. Clan Battlehammer immediately took a defensive position, using a massive boulder as cover while a few foolish and clearly new to battle blood elves charged past it only to be slaughtered one-by-one.

“They brough’ us some green elves! Tryna beh orcs are weh?! We’ll slaughter yeh th’ same. Hold position and yank em in! Give em th’ web!” screeched King Regent Pragus.

“Long Live Clan Battlehammer!” echoed off the cavern walls seconds later as the dwarves began using a new type of webbing discovered in Khaz Algar to leash and drag blood elves into the dwarf pit behind the rock. After slaughtering a few more of the pasty invaders, the elves retreated down the stairs and away from the rock, strangely engaging the fog beasts below. The noise of a warplane reverberated just outside the cave and the blood elves left, surely realizing their efforts against the dwarves were not going well and hoping for better luck elsewhere.

For a moment the dwarves stayed planted ready to guard the several bounties now on their heads from a possible return strike. How long could it take to get a war crate with a raid party that slightly larger than what the dwarves themselves had brought? Finally, the lust for blood took them and those without bounties took flight to the crate while those with bounties looked for refuge at the nearby Shadowvein Point. Those at the point could hear the battle over the ridge, clangs and explosions ringing out in rapid succession. A few minutes later, gryphons dove into the area, it’s victorious riders having claimed the spoils of the war crate, again denying the Sunfury Battalion what was rightful property of Clan Battlehammer!

“Pull out! Back teh th’ cavern… WAIT! Whas this?!” Pragus exclaimed as the dwarven host moved down the ramps from the point. A large cavelike stucture stooda the bottom of the ramps, part iron and part rock. A perfect holding point for the dwarves. Any fool that chases a dwarf into a cave should expect to die. With that, the Sunfury Battalion crashed into the entrance of the cavelike structure, the first few in being the first few to die before the blood elves pulled back.

Again, the dwarves dug in their heels, though the size of the enemy force outside had grown beyond just blood elves. There were now nearly 10 additional Horde standing outside the cave looking silly. The call was given for more webs and pulls, and the battle resumed with Horde being pulled into the cave repeatedly, ice-walled inside, and slaughtered with great gusto! At times the Horde would attempt a collective push with the blood elves at the head, but each time they were pushed back, losing more to the Hammers than the Hammers lost to them. The blood elves must have sent a scout out to find webbing like the dwarves were using because suddenly Hammers were being pulled from the cave just as the elves were being pulled in. The dwarven priests were ready with lifegrips and the other healers sent out their magics to keep those alive that could not be gripped. The battle raged back and forth like this for quite some time until a scout arrived and let the Hammers know their assistance was in greater demand in Alterac Valley.

“Come! Let’s go! Slowin, portal in th’ back please! We were here in the Ringing Deeps first. Weh held oor ground in the cavern. Weh held oor ground a’ th’ crate. And finally, weh held our ground here even as th’ enemy number grew far greater than oor own. Th’ victory this evening goes to us! We shall give them no more o’ oor time tonight, for battle calls us elsewhere! We shall finish these blood elves off at another time. WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED!”

“LONG LIVE CLAN BATTLEHAMMER!” was the last thing the Sunfury Battalion heard as their undefeated target left through a portal to Dornogal in preparation for the move to Alterac Valley.

(( One hell of a battle with Sunfury Battalion. GGs! Afterward, we headed into a Korrak’s where we lost our Hammer tank due to a brutal disconnect and were left with no other option than to, as Katrell put it, “break their will.” Wave after wave of Horde were slaughtered fresh out the graveyard as we slowly made our way down burning enough towers to finally take Drek tankless. Tus and Boremor did us the honors with alternating taunts. Halfway through the battle, the chunk of Horde that were premade just left to replaced by another semi-coordinated group as we pushed into Frostwolf Keep. Stat numbers in the billions in some cases after an hour and a half of glorious battle!)


This is the type of top-tier RP commentary I love to see! :grinning:. Who won…? Elven reports of the battle paint a different story, but the real answer is we all won, because that was the best wpvp we’ve had in a very long time.

GGs Hammers, look forward to seeing you on the field of battle! salute!


Yeah dude. Awesome frikin time. Story is a little exaggerated but that’s what I’d expect from a dwarf. GGs see y’all around


Aye Pragus, yeh have always had an eye for accuracy when it comes to the written word in hour history books. Weh defeated more elves than I kin count an I have the most fingers an toes in my house so tha’s quite a few.


Is the city of silvermoon for sale? Weh visited a fortnite ago and drank yeh dry of all that purple ale yeh got and nobody came teh greet us. yeh lot must’ve moved out. methinks weh could purchase it and give it a wee upgrade. put a new front door on and mayhaps harvest some of that fine stone to upgrade our ram stables. yeh kin keep that weak ale though.


The Metal Bard shall begin a Metal Melody for this AWESOME BATTLE!

From down below
they came a crackin.
Battlehammers, Skulls 'a bashing.
Crush the elves! Catch them Lackin!
Back to the boulder! SEND THEM PACKING!

Battlehammers Raise, beware the warriors of the Deeps!
Battlehammers Sing!, beware the warriors of the Deeps!
Battlehammers Swing! Behold the Bringers of your defeat!

Break their will.
Become Glorious!
Get drenched in blood
Become Victorious!
Raise the Battlehammer and Sing!

Battlehammers Raise, beware the warriors of the Deeps!
Battlehammers Sing!, beware the warriors of the Deeps!
Battlehammers Swing! Behold the Bringers of your defeat!


simply amazing!

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Clan Battlehammer gathered high atop Foundation Hall in Dornogal as they prepared for an evening of slaughter. When the Hammers let loose their war cry, “Long Live Clan Battlehammer!”, it could be heard thorouhout all of Dornogal due to the high perch. The Hammers then began teleporting back to the bottom of the Hall and lining up for a march through Dornogal while Herald Farstad went scouting for Horde to kill. He found a force of Horde sympathizers in Hallowfall at the Cathedral which the Hammers moved quickly upon, leaving the blood of those that would aid the Horde splattered across the otherwise pristene stonework. While Horde sympathizers were a nice kill, it was not enough for the dwarves that hungered for HORDE blood. Herald Farstad was sent to scout Orgimmar and found exactly what the Hammers were after. General Katrell opened a portal to Theramore and the Hammers were on their way.

Outside of Orgrimmar, there had clearly just been a battle. Bodies with Horde tabards lay strewn about the front gates with a few Alliance bodies mixed in. Near the gates, the Horde were regrouping from what had been a clearly devastating push by the Alliance. Embarassed by their weakness, however, the Horde forces began doubling and doubling and doubling again as they saw Clan Battlehammer march forward on their mammoths and take up a siege position just outside of the range of the regrouping forces.

“Good… let 'em regroup… twice as many. We’ll woop em twice as hard as the last Alliance raid,” Pragus bellowed with a chuckle. Unable to hold back the bloodlust any longer, the Hammers charged forward into the growing Horde force and wiped out the front lines, pulling back after the barrage to again form on their mammoths. Again, the Horde began gathering, though this time they had the sense to gather in the gates and away from the bloodthirsty dwarves. This time, the Horde brought nearly triple the numbers of the dwarves, yet the dwarves held steady and knocked it back down to double their numbers before finally being forced back to regroup.

“Looks like the front gate is closed, but we’re not done yet! Let’s head for the back gate!” yelled General Katrell.

The Hammers took flight to the rear of Orgimmar and reformed their mammoth line in to three columns. They slowly marched into the Valley of Honor, the sounds of the trampling mammoths reverberating off the redrock walls causing rockslides that smashed the carts and buildings lining the road.

“Oops!” bellowed Pragus, guffawing at the scrambling peons that were high-tailing it deeper into the valley to avoid finding themselves underfoot of the march.

“Long Live Clan Battlehammer!” the dwarves cheered as they moved into the Valley of Honor. Stunned Horde civilians looked on in awe at the show as the Hammers killed guard after guard and then cleaned out the inn of drunken orcs. With the Horde clearly recovering from the assault at the front gates, the Hammers continue the march into the Valley of Strength with little resistance. The few brave Horde that did step up found themselves quickly ended. The Hammers charged into the auction house and setup a blockade to deprive the Horde of any trade activity and tempt the front gate reserves to step into their now sieged city in an attempt to push the Hammers out.

In they came, at first in handfuls, then by buckets, and finally by droves. Clan Battlehammer was ready and used the walls of the auction house to shield themselves from ranged attacks while shredding any melee that dared step foot in the auction house as well as pulling foolish ranged that got to close into the grinder as well. After nearly half an hour of holding strong, the Horde finally amassed just enough of a army to push in together and force the dwarves from the auction house and the city.

“They shall not forget this night!” yelled Pragus as Clan Battlehammer prepared to depart back to Dornogal for a victory march. “Let’s give 'em a little time the scrub all the blood from the floors and walls of Orgimmar… and then we’ll come back in a few days and do it again. Death to the Horde, and LONG LIVE CLAN BATTLEHAMMER!”

Totally Metal

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