“From the shadows we are born again, and by blood our dominion be reclaimed.”
The Blackmoon Dominion is a Kaldorei leaning group that is on a mission to rampage through and annihilate any Horde that comes across their path. There will be no mercy for those aligned in any capacity with the faction that set Teldressil aflame. More importantly the loss of Teldressil and the crude life of Stormwind has sowed the seeds of doubt within the Kaldorei, many of them wishing their kind would return to their Highborne roots. The proud Kaldorei of the Blackmoon Dominion will bring swift death to their enemies, and reclaim forgotten territory of their past.
Blackmoon Dominion is an RP-PVP guild that seeks to bring war to the Horde’s Homefront’s, and hopes to coordinate with other Horde RPPVP guilds to set up fun campaigns. Our core is comprised of solid veteran pvpers and long time roleplayers coming together to create a fun and chaotic experience.
All Elven races are welcomed to join the Dominion, but the motives of Sin’dorei will be questioned! Half-Elves are also welcomed to the dominion with open arms. While the guild is elven based other alliance races may join as honorary members through trial by combat to judge their worth.
Send a text on discord to vesper6981 if you’re interested in joining or would like to set something up!