In a few select taverns, common halls, and libraries scattered across Kul Tiras, Stormwind and Ironforge, a few carefully penned noticed are placed on the notices bulletin board, each marked at the bottom with a red wax seal bearing a flame. Below the notice are pinned some neatly penned business cards, with the unusual instruction to crack the miniature seal on the card if you wish to speak further. (For those sensitive to the arcane, you’ll detect a very faint residue of magic on both the letter and the cards.)
Good Gentles,
The Order of Veritas seeks a few able-bodied adventurers and scholars to assist us in an upcoming effort. All walks of life are welcome, though personal integrity and competence are a must. Pay rates commensurate with experience._
Our mission is to secure certain objects of interest from the hands of those who seek power, self-enrichment, or especially those allied with the Banshee Queen and her efforts at the destruction of Life itself. Scholars, historians, diplomats and acquisitions-specialists are preferred, but anyone with a thirst for knowledge, an upstanding character - more or less - and a healthy curiosity is considered. Our methods vary, but we prefer wits and skill over brute force - at least, as much as such things are possible in this era.
Should you wish to learn more, please contact me directly. My cards are placed below - simply snap the seal and you will receive further instructions. Alternatively if you prefer, simply pen a letter and leave it pinned to the board here, and I shall read and respond forthwith.
In Service,
Lady Shinnorah Nightsbane, Archivist of Veritas
TL:DR (cause I’m wordy):
We’re good people. We have good times. We’ve got a cool, semi-secret society historian/adventure theme and we roleplay as often as we can. We’re stable, low drama, and casual friendly. We’re older, but if you’re cool you can play on our lawn. We don’t use a lot of Discord. We love using the WoW Community feature. We LOVE in guild chat/in person RP, and doing light PvE content with friends, and that’s our focus.
Read on for specifics and details!!
Veritas is our guild, and also the name of a larger community of RP roleplayers, that is looking to add a select few more to our number. We are a very small group of active RPers at present, but loyal and active. Our guild has been around continuously since 2007, and we will remain together for as long as there is a WoW, continuing to foster friendships, run RP events, and just hang out and have fun together! Some OOC details pertaining to who we are and what we do:
We used to raid back in the BC-Cata days, but those are behind us now. Too old, too busy with jobs, kids, families, and just too freaking tired to keep up with the never-ending gear grind. (Moot for community members, as you can raid with your guild of course!)
Our RP is a mix of guild chat, spontaneous smaller in person events, and larger D&D style campaigns. Guild chat is entirely IC, with OOC being through our community. As we add to the community, we may use our Community RP channel as well - right now, it’s pretty quiet but happy to do more there! The concept is a sigil or talisman that has a magical enchantment, allowing us to communicate across time and space. It’s a mix of magic and gnomish engineering, and may be carried with you and switched on or off as needed.
We also use the community to organize spontaneous RP - if you’re looking to just work on some character development or in the mood to RP, feel free to just reach out and ask to see who is around and available! We also have a Discord to help people set up RP, though we’re generally not Discord power-users and it’s often pretty quiet (which honestly I think a lot of us prefer tbh).
I am planning a larger D&D style campaign to start in January, which will run somewhere in the weekly/biweekly/monthly time frame - a lot of it depends on who all wants to participate and how often they’re available. I’m flexible, but excited to start us off!
If this sounds interesting to you, please ping me at BattleNet Shinnorah#1801, or Discord Norah#0859. If during business hours on a weekday, please be patient - I can’t use these at the office, so I can’t respond until I am home from work.
Peak play times are in the 6-10 time zone Central. Yes, we tend to end early - many of us have small children or jobs that get us up at O-Dark-Thirty and we can’t be up until the wee hours anymore.
We require 22+ IRL, and most of us are in our 30s and 40s. Gen X FTW! (No disrespect to younger folks, but when it comes to brass tacks I’m also a college professor IRL and I don’t want to cross the streams between work and play.)
Things We Ask You to Consider before Looking Us Up or Joining:
- We’re a very close knit group of older gamers. We’ve got a reputation for being very inclusive and friendly, so please don’t think we are cliquish! But we’ve also been together for a long time, so we are not looking to either disband nor merge with anyone else, nor are we willing to admit every player that crosses our paths. It’s all about quality over quantity.
- Because we’re older gamers, we don’t necessarily do things the newest and coolest way. We have a Discord, but we mostly use it for posting announcements, links, screenshots or voice chat if we need to coordinate something. We prefer using our community for in-game interactions, and a lot of us are pretty private about our IRL selves. (In other words, don’t join us expecting to find a super-active 24/7 Discord channel, it’s not what we do and frankly most of us don’t even want that - we kind of enjoy a little separation between our Characters and our IRL I think.)
- We are SMALL right now. I am working to change that, slowly and incrementally. There are probably 5-6 of us regularly and reliably active right now, with a much larger group that poke in for new content, play it, then go back into lurk mode. It’s not unusual to find just one or two of us online at a given point.
- I want to improve that and add some more people to our numbers - but THIS TAKES TIME. I can’t footstomp this enough - I am trying to find the RIGHT people to add to our guild and community, people who have similar play styles, want the kind of experience we’re working to build, and have a little bit of patience and willingness to either wait, or even help out, while we build that. I will not rush into growth just to get a bunch of people online and wind up degrading the quality of our group and risk adding asshats - full stop. I want us to grow, but I’d rather stay as just 5 of us than grow and lose what makes us an awesome place to be.
So…that’s the pitch! Yes, I realize it’s probably a weird one. Yes, I’m basically saying, “Well we kind of want new members, but we don’t want a TON of them, and we want people who are going to be dedicated and interactive even though they barely know us yet”. But hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained?