In honor of the Trial of Style free transmog sales, the Bards of the Lion are hosting a costume/transmog contest!
Time/Place: Legerdemain Lounge, NORTHREND Dalaran, at 5pm Server Time on 3 September 2020
Categories: Tavern Staff, Royalty, and Mystic Crone/Hermit
- Use of the Barber Shop and Xmogger allowed and encouraged! Transmog machines will be provided at the Barber Shop across the street.
- The costume does NOT have to be transmoggable (whatever you can gather and wear), but you gain 5 bonus points if it’s all a combat-ready set.
- Participate in 1 to all 3 categories! They will be graded separately, and there will be time to change in-between.
- Weapons, toys, battle-pets, and various devices are permitted when presenting your costume idea. If it works and enhances, sell it!
- Judges will be able to give up to 10 bias points each. Bonus points from combat-ready transmoggable sets are added on top of the overall scores given by the judges.
Judges: Roedran, Aura’Rei, +1 (We’re still looking for another judge!)
PRIZES for Each Category:
1st Place: 3,000 gold
2nd Place: 2,000 gold
3rd Place: 1,000 gold
Participate in multiple categories for the chance to win multiple times!