[A-RP] The Order of the Eclipse (recruiting Kaldorei, Ren'dorei, and Quel’dorei)

Sure thing. I hope you guys enjoy your time on Moonguard :slight_smile:

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Hello, I am interested in your guild. How active are you and how many members? I am looking for friends, since a lot of the ones I used to hang out with have left the game.

So sad to see the list of friends not online anymore. I am a very detailed rp player, multi-paragraph and lore compliant. I do not tolerate drama or rude people.

I am on West coast, and often up until 4 a m. A night owl, yes, and also retired and loving it.

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Hey there Alviira! I’m a rather new member myself, but I think I can answer some of your questions.

The guild currently houses 20 characters with some of those being alts of course. Activity tends to be a bit slow unless there is a scheduled event. However, it is still possible to find people to RP with on those off nights. Just had a great impromptu RP session with one of the other members last night in fact.

To your second point, I am much like you in the way you’ve described yourself. In my little over a week here, I can say that everyone seems very mature, respectful, and polite. There seems to be a sensibility and a lack of crudeness that I’ve personally run across in so many places and so many groups prior. As someone who is lore-compliant and enjoys the multi-para style, you’ll find a few of us like that here. I can say that I also enjoy multi-para RP as do the two other members I’ve had longer RP sessions with thus far.

To zoom out for a moment from my own experiences, lore-compliance itself is something the guild uses as an active recruitment point. I have seen nothing to indicate it is anything but true. Official RP nights are shaping up to take place at 8:30 server on Fridays.

I hope that answers all of your questions; and if it sounds good to you, I know we’d love to have you. :slight_smile:

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Hello Alviira! Feyahni hit the nail on the head. We’re still pretty new to MG so we’re still small and a lot of us are busy so it can get kind of slow. But we’re building up and hoping to generate some more interest as we go.

Also, please don’t hesitate to reach out to someone in game or through the Guild Finder if you’re interested or have more questions!

(Also thank you Feyahni for answering! My computer has been doing some updates today so my availability has been scattered)

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Hello everyone! Just wanted to pop on and let anyone who is interested in our Order, that we are starting a new RP campaign tomorrow evening!

Please be sure to let an officer know if you’re interested in joining our cause! We’re more than happy to answer any questions you may have

I’ve read your thread and I might be interested in joining with one of my elves! :slight_smile:
Though I’m curious! What kind of events do you usually host? Are they social, adventures or…?


Hi Kamarill! Thanks for your interest in us! Ultimately, we’re aiming to do both some of both. At this point we’re planning on most of our weekly events being more adventure-y, but we definitely want to have some casual and social events tucked in as well for variety.

As Alisendria said, we’re about to start a campaign tomorrow, which will take place in Kalimdor.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask here or find someone in game to talk to. Some of the people who can answer questions for you are: Myself (Lyarria), Alisendria, Trexyx, Vellrys, and Feyahni.

Such a great group! Any Elves of the Alliance wishing to join our order, please do so. We provide a great atmosphere for everyone with some awesome story tellers! Very good group of friends! :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart:

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Hello I am new to Moon Guard as well as Ren’dorei RP. (although not a stranger to RP in general) How would one go about joining or interviewing?

Hey there, Exavra!

If you’re interested in joining or even just asking questions, all you have to do is reach out to an officer in-game. If you see me online (which I should be later tonight), I’d be more than happy to do the honors. Otherwise you can look for Lyarria, Alisendria, Vellrys, or Corranis.

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If someone’s going to be around tomorrow, I’m interested. Been sitting on this character for like a year wanting to do something with him

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So, my guy is OOCly a DH (i like the class mechanics), but I’ve been ICly coining him as a spellsword, mage/swords trope.
Would this be an issue?

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Heya, Sanestorath. There should be quite a few of us on tonight as a pretty major event of our current campaign is scheduled to take place starting at 7:30 server. It may be a bit hectic, but we could still get you an invite if you’d like. There may be a few officers who are able to stick around after the event to chit chat with you and answer any questions you may have.

Hi there, Glaivereaver. I feel like I remember you from another recruitment thread somewhere where you explained this concept. Was it perhaps over on WrA in the Silver Circle’s thread? In any case, your concept is not at all a problem with us. DHs as well as spellswords (as long as they’re explained in a way that remains Lore-abiding as we are a Lore-abiding guild) are very much accepted. From what I think I remember about your concept, you should fit in just fine.

We have our first Shalla’belore Conclave meeting coming up on Friday at 8:30 server. These meetings will serve to communicate IC news to the guild, conduct promotion ceremonies, and to introduce new members to the ranks. Now is a great time to get involved!


I would like to attend, if possible?
At the very least, I’ll go shadowmeld in the corner if needed.
Mind if I ask where it is?

Do you mean the Friday meeting? If so, you don’t have to lamp with shadowmeld. Though, if you’re just wanting to scope things out and see if our style is appealing to you, then feel free to observe that way if it’s less awkward. I’m not entirely sure where we’ll be holding it just yet, but we can certainly let you know when we do.


We have a location! The meeting will be held at Silverwing Outpost in Ashenvale.

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I definitely wouldn’t mind. I’d be happy even just sitting back and observing if adding me in would be too much logistically

Sounds good! Just send a whisper to Lyarria, Alisendria, Vellrys, or Corranis a little before 7:30 tonight. They should be able to get you squared away. Corranis is the one running the event, so he’d be better able to advise on how difficult it would be to get you in on such short notice. I’ll be signing on right at or a little after the event starts due to a late work schedule this week, so if you can’t get ahold of anyone else in time I should be able to get you an invite around then. :slight_smile:


Due to an unforeseen IRL emergency, our event tonight is being postponed. I know there were people considering attending/observing, but if you’d still like to join or even just ask questions, I’ll make sure to be online tonight at or a little after 7:30 server. :slight_smile:

That’s actually super convenient because I won’t be on until 8-9 server time. How late will you / another officer be around?

I’ll be on around then.