[A-RP] [Legacy of Arzaal] - Anti-Legion Man'ari Guild

Guild: Legacy of Arzaal

Our Lore

"After Kil’jaeden was slain and Sargeras fell absent, the Burning Legion shifted from mercilessly-driven order into senseless chaos: its natural state.

As the Legion split from one whole into many fractured pieces, warbands formed. My comrades and I found ourselves apart of one particularly mighty warband that existed as an armada of cruisers that called the space above Xoroth home. From our great ships we fought our former kin, going from one enemy warband’s territory to another, destroying their holdings, taking their valuables, and assimilating their best soldiers. We grew strong, and, for a while, this kept our minds occupied and away from the countless ghosts of the past. But, over time, some of us started to do something… unexpected.

We started to question.

Questioning was not something many of us lower-ranking man’ari were accustomed to, really. Generally speaking, if you were born into the Legion—like most of my particular comrades were—the concept was essentially foreign, and, if you were old, it was practically a forgotten concept—something that was buried by either fear, countless years of indoctrination, or both. Doubt and the like literally meant death, and you didn’t want to die; especially the Legion way. You did as you were told, and the sooner you did so the more and more extreme you became; and the less likely you were to die.

Without Kil’jaeden, though, this was no longer the case. Thought crime was a thing of the past; and some of us started to like it that way.

A small minority in our former warband started to reflect on all that we and the Legion had done. We started to see how we had been warped. We started to think crazy things—ideas like maybe—just maybe—Velen and his Draenei had been right?!

Then came the news of Arzaal’s sucessful meeting with Velen.

That meeting showed us the possibility of another way; another way we thought was worth exploring.

During the heat of a great battle, we defected, warping our ship—the Blade of Argus—away from our warband’s armarda and into the Twisting Nether to empower our ship for the distant trip ahead.

The journey was long and wrought with danger, but we endured, driven by the hope of Arzaal’s example. And then, one day, with our ship—our home—barely intact, we finally made it; made it to the one planet we once hated most: Azeroth.

Our cruiser now floats cloaked and high above the skies of Azuremist. We’ve made contact with the draenei, and dismantled our weapons systems before some of their artificers as a risky gesture of good faith. At best, they are tolerating our presence; but they haven’t attacked yet. They’ve surprised us and called in the Illidari to assist with keeping us watched… But they haven’t moved to combat. Tough talks continue; and in that, there’s hope. Perhaps Azeroth will become our new home. Perhaps Azeroth will give us our start down the infinite road towards redemption.

Only time will tell."

  • Manannan, Captain of the Blade of Argus

General Info.

[Legacy of Arzaal] is an adventure-heavy role-play guild that’s man’ari-centric and ever-striving to be lore-abiding. Our story follows the tale of a core crew of man’ari who, driven by Arzaal’s example, have opted for a shot at redemption over self-loathing and self-destruction for the sins of their past.

Using our Legion cruiser *(ship proxy is both in Azuna (for when vertical) and above the Broken Shore (for when horizontal)) as our HQ, we’ll travel the globe and beyond, explore our new homeworld, stamping-out the Legion’s old agents newest efforts on Azeroth, and proving to all the truth of our words.

Naturally, we’re anti-Legion.

If you have a character you think would be a good fit, we’d love to talk to you. Either post here reach-out to myself in-game.

Further Details

Discord server is activly in the works. Stay tuned.

For refrence, this is the new man’ari lore character Arzaal: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Arzaal


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This sounds amazing! If I hadn’t already applied to another guild, I definitely would have reached out to join. I hope to see you “in the wild” and wish you all the success with things! :green_heart:


Thanks for reading. Best of luck to you and your guild.

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Hope to RP with you guys at some point.


Just an update on how the guild is going.

I’m happy to say that we’ve already got a great group of role-players who are passionate about the game’s lore, passionate about role-play, and excited for the possibilities that are at hand to play with through this guild’s story and the man’ari in general.

Good thing to come.

We also have a Discord server up and running. If you like to join us just to nerd out on draenei lore, general lore, or whatever, feel free to message me in-game for a link.

Hope to welcome more of you man’ari to the guild soon.


The Antoran Harbingers look forward to hunting down these traitors to the Legion!

Looking forward to seeing the growth of your group!

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Thanks, mate. Likewise!

I have a question!

Does Blight work on Man’ari?

For ummm… science.

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It’s an interesting question… But… we’ve got enough threats on Azeroth to contend with as man’ari; so I’ll take a pass on answering that.

No doubt a member of the Illidari would be happy to answer, though.

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Oh wells, I must find my answer elsewhere!

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Definitely interested in joining this guild! Ill message you in game!

Heya, you guys still bopping around?

Certainly are. Still integrating into non-Legion life.