[A-RP] Heart of the Mountain

Remember to get your daily rp from HotM events, the only rp events with enough Vitamin G to endure the day.

This guild is lots of fun. Super friendly people and the impromptu rp that I’ve been to is awesome! I highly recommend this guild. Come seek out Thorgoin and be a part of something great!

Hey all. You lot still active per chance?

I too would love to know if you’re still active. New to RP but excited to throw myself into being a dwarf!

Hello! We are still active! Though this forum post is a little outdated. We have another forum post about our guild that is more up-to-date. Just contact me or Rhallo for more information. Rhallo’s discord tag is Sau1itos#2224 and my discord tag is TheNewCrusader17#1351

Hi very interesting. Im Roleplaying a dwarf wild survivor. But with paladín light powers that he Doesnt understand. Is getting into society rules and norms slowly. Also only knows dwarf. Is there a place for me id love to let my character evolve and if it fits with this group story the better.

Recently returned to the game after a few years and might be looking to transfer over from WrA for this! Would love to hear more from you guys. I think I sent friend requests on the Battle.net app, but not sure if that’s the same thing as discord lol.

would this guild be willing to accept a gnome alt? she’s my secondary main and this would be my first time doing alliance stuff, all of my time has been on horde and i’d like to experince RP with dwarves and gnomes.

as who who she is, i’d think she would fit right in, fury warrior who is like a little bane (from batman) using alchemy to full herself through her battle stim pack.

Sadly this guild no longer exists. I helped start it and I dearly miss it.

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ah thats a shame, well thanks for informing me.

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