Welcome to the Racket Rumble!
What is the Racket Rumble?
A not-so-secretive and exclusive open monthly Fight Night for some of the best dirtiest brawlers Azeroth has to offer that runs both within Stormwind and out of it! The location of each fight night changes, so please make sure you're keeping your eye out for the next one!
Hosted by Josie Fox
Sponsored by The Pyrewood Racket
In Character Hooks
Around the City, flyers would start to be handed out by some shady-looking individuals. Whispers of a Fight Night would be offered to those who know the right person.
IC Rumors
It will be located at the top of the tallest tower in Gilneas overlooking the coast.
The last fight of the night will be a special one!
The winners of each fight will win gold!
Josie Fox and the Pyrewood Racket are not responsible for any injuries caused by the bouts.
OOC Information
Date: Saturday, February 22nd
Time: 8PM Server
Location: The tower behind Greymane Manor - GilneasContact Us!
Ingame Name: Josiefox
Discord Name: Winterfang
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