A-RP [Depths of Shadowforge] - Shadowforge/Dark Iron RP Guild

:volcano: Depths of Shadowforge :volcano:

With the Birth of Dagran Thaurissan II many years ago, the future of the people of Shadowforge City and all Dark Irons began to be set in stone: they would rejoin with and prosper alongside the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer Clans. Since the return of heroes from the Shadowlands, and the recent threat of the Primalists, the depths of Shadowforge City have definitely changed. While Dark Irons still hold the most sway and domination over the mountain, new faces have been able to be seen within the mountain city as well.

Guild Website: depthsofshadowforge.carrd .co

The Depths of Shadowforge is a recent addition to the Moon Guard roleplay scene and is a predominantly Dark Iron guild. That being said, Shadowforge City has changed plenty and we seek to breathe some new life into it by having small bits of Fanon, and mostly building up an RP scene central to it. The guild itself focuses on kingdom, town, and military-style themes. However, we do not to seek to change the lore, represent all of the Dark Irons, and so on and so forth. Every member of the Depths of Shadowforge instead wants to help build up Dark Iron/Dwarf Roleplay and overall build up role-play in Khaz Modan.

Ranks and Sections:
The Depths of Shadowforge has 3 main sections, which are best viewed on our website. Any member is able to join all three, however ranks in the guild are based on progression via activity, event attendance, and overall being helpful. Not everyone can attend events, thus we do not wish to limit their progression in the guild.

Sections of the Guild:

  • The Iron Legion: The Iron Legion of Shadowforge City is one of the more elite military regiments that the Dark Irons boast. Composed of a mixture of Pyromancers, Golemcrafters, and elite Warriors and Sharpshooters, it sets out to defend their mountain home from would-be invaders, as well as protect the Region of Khaz Modan.
  • Guardians of the Black Anvil: The Guardians of the Black Anvil are a mix of Pyromancers, Blacksmiths, Priests, Warlocks, Shamans, and others who harness their magical might from the backlines. Additionally, they also provide support within the City of Shadowforge as healers, priests, shamans, and blacksmiths for the local people.
  • Denizens of Shadowforge City: The Denizens of Shadowforge City are exactly that, Denizens. Composing the normal everyday citizens of Shadowforge, they are often Merchants, Craftsmen, and Patrons of the Grim Guzzler. Life in Stadowforge City isn’t perfect, but they make it the best that they can.

Member Ranks:

  • Auxiliary [OOC] - A Rank for non-in character members/alts.
  • Coalbound - Our starting rank, like Coal often is, it may seem common but there can often be diamonds in it, just like our members!
  • Ironborne - A member is given this rank/title after passing some initial trials in a one-on-one roleplay within in the guild.
  • Runeward - Our middle-of-the-road member rank, these members know what they’re doing and have been with the guild for a good amount of time!
  • Flamesworn - Senior-ish members belong here, who have been through at least 2 guild campaigns or been with the guild for a good while.
  • Magmabringer - This is the current highest rank for non-officers and showcases the member is a veteran of the guild.

Officers and GM:

  • Iron Council [Officer] - The Iron Council is composed of 3-4 officers who can oversee individual sections, or be an officer-at-large.
  • Sorcerer-Thane [GM] - The leader of the Iron Council and Guild Master.

Events and Campaigns:
Events will be held 2-4 times a week, and may differ between the Conquest D20 system for military-based events, and simple social gatherings, which may include drinking in the Grim Guzzler, a market day, and others.

Our Current (and First) Military Campaign will be focusing on the “Heralds of Ragnaros”, a reborn group of remnants of the Cult of Ragnaros who are aligned with the Primalists. After a few kidnapping attempts, a small group of soldiers from Shadowforge City shall be sent out to handle the situation and continue to defend both Shadowforge City and Khaz Modan.

How can you join?

First thing is first, visit our new website and see if we are the fit for you! Our biggest thing is we want everyone to be happy after all.

Secondly, if you are interested, message Torchforge or any officer in game to set up an in character introduction ask more questions, etc.
Best Ways to Contact: In Game (Torchforge) or on Discord: (Torchforge#7398)

Special thanks to Sonceri for providing the resources used in our website!


(^ posted on the wrong character! xD)

Long live Dagran! Long live Moira!


Can’t seem to find the website?

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Hi there Firecow! It should be in the block quote under the initial quote of the post. It’s missing the .co part since I’m not at the highest forum trust level! All together it should be depthsofshadowforge.carrd .co (just without the space).

Sorry for that!

Love seeing more Dork Irons. <3

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The forum post went through an edit to make it look a bit nicer/organized.

We have a guild meet-and-greet at the Grim Guzzler next Friday, there’s still plenty of time to join us for that!

Our first and official D20 Military Campaign begins on the 20th!


More dwarves! The best race must bolster it’s ranks!


We’ve got a few updates! A few new members have joined, and we’re happy to have them! The guild is definitely still in its start-up phase, but we’ve got some fun events coming up! On Friday, we have a bar night at the Grim Guzzler! If you’re aDark Iron and want to check us out, or even join, you’re more than welcome to come by, grab a mug of Shadowstout Ale, and pull up a chair!

Our Heralds of Ragnaros D20 Campaign (using the Conquest D20 system), begins on the 20th! We plan to have 1-2 of those every week, along with social events to make sure all members can be involved in the guild.

Finally, if you’re interested in joining us and can’t find me online (or want to reach out in general) I’ll be updating the forum post with additional ways to get in touch until we have a few officers!

Black Anvil guide ye’!


Major hype for the Dark Irons!

You folks sound fun is it going to be only rp or do you enjoy other aspects of the game?

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You and Anvilrage both look great. I’m nae sure which I should join.

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I would absolutely recommend Depths of Shadowforge. I’ve had the pleasure of RPing with Torchforge and other members in the past. Their story-building is incredible! You’ll never be bored in a guild run by Torchforge

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We are primarily a roleplay guild but I have no doubt there will probably be some casual PvE and PvP. Personally, I want to get into mythics so I bet you that a few others probably feel the same. It won’t be a big focus, but it’ll be something for sure.

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First tavern night was a success! Long live Diagram!

(Eta: someday I’ll remember to swap to the right toon before I post.)


Our lore keepers recently discovered that there had been an error on our website! Somehow one of the junior lore keepers had put down “Diagram” instead of Dagran! We assure you, no attempt at a coup has taken place. Hail Dagran Thaurissan II, heir to Shadowforge and Ironforge.

Anywho, the guild’s next event is this coming Friday, we will be beginning our D20 campaign! Our official calendar will be released within the next few days for all of our events for January and part of February.


Hyped for Friday! For Dagran! For Moira!



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Good Group this one. I’ve had fun with Torchforge!

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Fer Thaurissan!

Appreciate it!

In other news, we do have an event tomorrow. It is a bit up in the air whether it will be D20 or another social event for members to gather around and talk/meet one another! Either way, Dwaaaaaarves!

The Vanguard knows, I have a soft spot for the dwarves. Shout out and wave, and nicely done on the site! Here’s their logo and link. And great to see cards and such used by others. :heart_eyes: Makin’ my eyes misty!