[A-RP] Conclave of the Moon - Night Elf RP

Six years have passed since the Fourth War. In the aftermath of the Horde’s invasion, the Kaldorei stood bereft, their homeland ravaged and their hope fractured. As if fate itself conspired against them, the Scourge’s ravenous maw did not spare them either. Land once teeming with verdant life now bears the scars of struggles waged not just against decade old enemies but new ones birthed in the chaos wrought over years of constant conflict.

Many have turned their gaze eastbound, toward foreign lands, casting aside the remnants of their once-hallowed home for a chance at renewal. They are beckoned with the promise of refuge and the allure of unfamiliar horizons. But there are those who still remain. Those who would not stand idle, who yearn to see their lands restored. Those who would not see their lands broken beyond recognition any longer, who seek to rekindle hope’s flame.

A call has gone out to those who would protect what is their birthright. It proposes a symposium of kaldorei from each walk of life. Representatives, drawn from the esteemed ranks of well-rooted elven institutions, will guide this assembly. Under a fresh banner, they are summoned to unite, weaving a tapestry of purpose anew.

Guild Themes:
Kaldorei Centric
Rebuilding & Defending Kalimdor
Celebration of Kaldorei Holidays

OOC Regulations:
Character Development Driven
IC =/= OOC


Conclave of the Moon is a guild focused on safeguarding Kaldorei lands, rebuilding their communities, and carrying out Elune’s will. We strive to be a lore-adherent community focused on encouraging character development through our stories.

When joining our community, we offer:

CHOICE, CONSEQUENCE, IMMERSION ⸻ Decisions in roleplay are impactful to the overarching guild and interpersonal storylines. There is depth and realism that makes the world feel dynamic and responsive to choices made. We create believable, immersive stories together that honor the lore.

DEVELOPMENT ⸻ Stimuli and conflict offer meaningful ways to grow and progress characters. We aim to write stories that challenge ideals and help evolve a character’s personality, motivations, and relationships.

POLITICAL CONFLICT ⸻ We are seeking to build a guild that has close ties with in-lore organizations and create storylines that deal with the political tension between each of these organizations as they try to work together to safeguard kaldorei lands while upholding their respective ideals.

COMMUNITY ⸻ At our essence, we are a tight-knit group of roleplayers with a passion for weaving interesting and intersecting stories with each other. Beyond roleplaying together, we also enjoy doing content or playing other games.


We recruit by invite-only and do not require a lengthy OOC interview or application. We offer guild invitations to people who have taken the time to get to know us, our characters, and have proven they’re a good addition to the pleasant environment we seek to build for our guild. If you’re interested in joining, seek us out in-game or send a whisper to arrange walk-up roleplay.

We’re looking for:

• Active players who will engage in guild stories or are willing to be storytellers.
• Individuals who have enthusiasm for working within the constraints of lore.
• Players who take initiative in creating stories with others, are well-mannered & considerate.


What kind of characters are allowed?

Kaldorei from all walks of life can join. This includes Death Knights and Demon Hunters although they will be recruited on a case-by-case basis with stricter criteria than other characters. Other races such as Worgen, Tauren, or Nightborne may be considered as well.

My character doesn't have ties with an organization like the Sentinels or the Sisterhood, can I still join?

Yup! Membership or affiliation with these organizations is not required to join the guild. It is just how leadership is structured. However, if you do have interest in your character being affiliated with any of these organizations then we would love to help you turn it into a storyline!

Can my Darkfallen character join?

Similar to Death Knights and Demon Hunters, Darkfallen will be considered on a case-by-base basis with the expectation that they are sworn to the Ebon Blade. We will not consider rogue undead characters to join the Conclave. Nor will we accept San’layn or any vampiric concepts.

Can my evil character join?

All alignments are welcome within the Conclave but keep in mind that we are a lawful organization.

If your character is outright causing harm to innocents, using unsanctioned illicit magic, or acting as a liability then they will not fit well within our ranks. Keep in mind the surroundings you are placing your character into and expect realistic reactions from other characters.

While we enjoy IC conflict, provided that it doesn’t get taken OOC, it should never dominate roleplay. Disagreements are bound to happen between characters but we do not want consistently needless hostility with no potential for remedy.


Discord: https://discord.gg/hct2G9UjDT
Carrd: https://conclave.crd.co/

Contact Information
Leadership: Confident, Auglath, Yeetidari

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We’ve got some great stuff in the works - come join us!

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Come join us for some great roleplay! Good story in the works!

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Posted on wrong character (whoops)

Great people, great guild returning. Really rare to find lore-abiding and knowledgeable people who are willing to make room for DKs and DHs, especially in Kaldorei spaces.

Hit us up. If you struggle with ideas, feel free to send me a message after joining the discord. We’re friendly people who are happy to help you get a concept rolling.

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Plus, you get cool bear gifs in our Discord.

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Bumping \o/