(A-RP, 18+) The Blackbird Ring [Bloodsail Buccaneers]

Figured it wise to go ahead and get out the name out there, to see if I can’t find some like-minded roleplayers that will be looking to start a new story on Bloodsail Buccaneers.

The Blackbird Ring is an organization of profit-minded individuals who don’t mind getting their hands dirty in order to live the good life. While anyone can assist their operations as an associate, the Boss is always looking for morally-flexible individuals with a drive for success and a stomach for blood.

Starting out as little more than a loose network of shady dealings, the group has recently coalesced into an organized crime group, with its fingers already in more than a few legally-dubious pies, from smuggling operations and money laundering to protection rackets and assassinations. The Blackbirds have established themselves in Stormwind’s underworld as a criminal enterprise with higher standards and decorum than a common street gang, and they seem to just be getting started.

[Regular Events] The Ring will be engaging in regular (and theoretically weekly) events using a /roll 10 system, while also making available Odd Jobs that guildmembers can do on their own with their partners-in-crime whenever strikes their fancy.

[Heavy RP] The Blackbird Ring is an organized crime ring that does what it can to foster and support both in-depth interaction between members, as well as engaging with the world at large. Journals aren’t required, but are definitely recommended! Even if don’t think you’re cut out for the criminal underbelly of Stormwind, we can always use allies, enemies, clients, and victims. After all, what’s the fun in playing villains if there aren’t any heroes?

[Recruitment] The Ring is open to any that wish to join, although morally dubious to down-right criminal types are preferred. Consider us Lawful Neutral. We aren’t evil for evil’s sake, but we’re perfectly happy shedding blood if it advances our goals. And we’re a structured group with an official compact, not a bunch of drunken hooligans.

Feel free to reach out either here or on Discord, which we are currently in the process of getting up and running. The Discord room is Qecqz5A! Thanks for reading, and whether as friends or foes, I hope to see you soon!


I was coerced to do this.

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It’s the joy of blackmail, Fiennes!

Everybody loves a bit of blackmail between friends :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not that I endorse their in-character actions, but man are they stylish and cool!

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These are awesome guys!

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Worth it for the name alone honestly.

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I’ve never been on an RP server, but often thought about joining one.

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We’d certainly be happy to welcome you!

Well, I went on and reserved my name on the server. I think it will be a fun and interesting time.

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Feel more than free to reach out on Discord, Benetheron! Happy to welcome you in and talk shop in these pesky two weeks before we get to play!

Thank you Aubey, this looks great. Will the Ring be delving wholesale into some dragon lairs and sweaty elemental caverns? I know some shady characters (just created!) that might be interested in that kind of profit?

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this is exactly what i am looking for. night elf rogue named cora if you will have me

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Sorn, why of course! The most valuable resources don’t harvest themselves! And you have to roll up your sleeves and pilfer some priceless relics or haunted ruins yourself. Supply lines and smuggling routes are fickle things.

Aubey is not only #1 for GMing but #1 for journals and fashion!

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Aw, that’s too kind!

And Katie, we’d be honored! …Aubey was actually looking for a nice terrifying kaldorei. They work such wonders at intimidating people. Don’t even have to speak, just give a nice grin and flash those pearly white fangs, and people tend to not see if the rumors about the deadliness of the Sentinels is true.

Ah, these bloody criminals… Handy to have around, though.

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Ahem, alternative entrepreneurs, thank you very much!

Cozy community for people who love Classic WoW, roleplaying, and the Godfather.

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I could fit in here.

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