[A] Roses are red, violets are blue, late night heroic raiders, i want to see you!

We are a late night raid team that focuses on clearing heroic to AOTC as a guild goal.

We are an excellent home if you want to do “more than normal” and “less than mythic”.

Come and check us out if you are a returning player or just looking for a change of scenery.

We raid 9-11 PM PST on W/Th (Alliance).

What you get from us:

A decent number of keys and other activities.
A community of people who are commonly online from 9PM to 11:30PM PST.
Help from your team with mechanics, gear and talents.
Wed/Thurs 9-11PM PST raids, keeping Tuesdays and weekends clear for you.
A cauldron for every progression run.

What we want from you:

A promise not to chug white claw while progressing.
Reasonable adult conduct.
Helping your guildmates when convenient.

You can reach me at grimthane#3215 on discord, or VeryGrim#1543 on Battle.net.