RONIN on Arugal (Alliance)
Currently recruiting for core raid spots on 2 x 25 man teams to fill out roster for Phase 2.
Team Daisho: Sunday/Tuesday 8pm – 11pm SVT (contact Zethex#8810 on Discord to apply)
Warlock: Affliction x 2
Hunter: Survival
Team Shuri: Wednesday/Sunday 8pm – 11pm SVT (contact Lubo#9104 on Discord to apply)
Warlock: Affliction
Death Knight: Frost
Death Knight: Unholy
Hunter: Survival
Paladin: Holy
Actively recruiting any like-minded players that want to join a welcoming community.
About Us: A community of people that bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to all aspects of the game. A focus on progression in raiding through the WotLK expansion. A fun and friendly environment where all voices are heard. A place where we can create memorable moments within our team.
The ability to sign up availability in advance for raid days and to be punctual when raiding.
Be prepared for raids: consumables, enchants, gems, pre-bis gear, boss strategies etc.
Be able to take constructive feedback and improve after each raid.
Self-motivated players to be the best they can be at their class.
- Wishlist/Loot Council hybrid run through That’s My BIS.