Consider invoke! 
Invoke is a 2 year old Classic community looking to expand our roster! We have achieved great feats, and are seeking more to continue to progress in both PvE and PVP. We accept new and old players to our guild however, we are a performance based guild. Maturity and respect is a must.
Guild Mission Statement: To provide quality raiding experience in a positive uplifting environment. We set the stage for success, be goal oriented, and strive for excellence. We push towards the “hardcore” side of raiding, but never make wow a second job.
Guild Culture Invoked was formed on 3-30-18 with the launch of kronos3, with the preparation for Blizzard Classic realms. The guild has found a healthy balance between WoW becoming a second job, and being a top tier guild. At times we will fall towards the “hardcore” aspect of the game. All of us work full time and have families, so we understand the importance of having that balance. We have an diverse group from raiders who Cleared naxx to new players.
Raiders: We will raid two nights a week, with a third night for new content.
Two Molten Core Clears Weekly+Multiple Onys
Tuesday is a little more hardcore, and sub1hour atm runs.
Tues: 7:45pm - 11:00pm EST (WED Will be the 2nd night when needed)
Sunday: 7:45pm- 11:00p EST (MON will be 2nd night when needed)
Add a 3rd night for progression: 7:45pm - 11:00pm EST
Raid times end at a HARD cut off.
We have had great success with our loot council. The factors being ;
-> Performance / attendance / consumes / attitude / Guild Involvement <–
We always ask our self “How does this improve our raid the most”. Our discord has full expectations and guidelines on this system.
All raid spots are performance based, we make sure people are showing up with full consumes and world buffs. This is what makes us “semi-hardcore”, but some might call us hardcore. More information can be found on our discord.
Realm: Heartseeker
Faction: Alliance
Loot: Loot council
Battle Tags: Sphinx#11851
GM discord: Valimare#1560 Recruiter: Raiah#0036
Please contact us with any questions at anytime.