[A] <RNG> is recruiting for sweaty wrath raiding

Hardcore Raiding | Competitive Progression, Speed, and Parsing

Server 3rd Gruul/Mag
Server 3rd SSC/TK
Server 4th Hyjal/BT
Server 8th T7 clear night 1
Server 2nd 3D Sarth

We’re looking for talented and experienced players for Classic Wrath who are dedicated, care about performance, and have a mind to compete for top server rankings. We aim to perform at a high level on a two-day schedule while maintaining a fun, but focused raid environment.

Raid Times:

  • Tuesday: 8pm - 11:30pm server time
  • Thursday: 8pm - 11:30pm server time
  • 3rd Raid Day: During progression or periods of time when the Classic PTR is available an additional day is required. This will be based on when the PTR is available and when raids launch.

Raider Expectations:

  • Come to raid prepared: full consumables, optimal gear, proper enchants/gems, and understanding all of the fights.
  • 90% Attendance is required of all raiders.
  • Raiders are expected to maintain a raid viable split character and a viable offspec for your main if applicable.

Loot Distribution:
We use a loot council; loot is awarded based on the following criteria: Strength of Upgrade, Performance, Attendance, Raid Preparation, Team Helpfulness and Positive Attitude. We use ThatsMyBis to distribute loot. Loot prio is transparent, visible to all raiders and subject to change.

Open Positions

  • Combat / Assassination Rogue
  • Affliction Warlock
  • Frost / Unholy DK
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Exceptional DPS
  • We are always recruiting experienced and truly skilled raiders to trial against currently rostered raiders. We encourage all to apply even if we aren’t recruiting specifically for your class/spec.

Please visit our discord at discord.gg/RNGguild for additional information. You can also contact me (Thandorr#1278 bnet/disc) with any questions.

Apply Here: forms.gle/fHjnEMWMnon8iFVx7

Looking for a couple chads to play the game with us. Always recruiting exceptional players.

Got a spot open for a Frost DK!!

Need a disc and DK for wrath!

Still looking for one alpha chad DK

Exceptional applicants only!

Recruiting 1 warlock and 1 holy Pally!

Still recruiting hpal and demo!

Launch is almost here! Still seeking an hpal and demo!

Updated recruitment needs! Ramping up for splits, T7 speed and Ulduar prep!

Are you still Looking for a heavy hitting Aff lock? What are the queue times to log into Pagle? What time would your raid be for central standard?

Recruitment updated!

Looking for a big Ret pumper as well as another non-priest healer!

Also now looking for a hunter!