[A] <Rising Embers> Windseeker NA

Hello there,

I am the GM of Rising Embers on the TBC Classic Windseeker realm and am looking for experienced players of any kind to form a small but capable team to ultimately go into wrath raids, get our loot, and get out. Outside of raid nights, we enjoy PvP and dungeons while they are applicable. I can show you my experience if you want to know more but trust me when I say, I’ve been a part of just about every raid team and style there is, in retail as well as classic.

My experience with classic thus far has been underwhelming due to how many people raidlog from day 1 and put in little to no effort to carry their own weight so everyone on the team can spend less time getting the same result. I am just tired of that… I know I’m not alone on that feeling. If you are interested and trust me, you won’t be disappointed. You can message me here and I’ll try to reply, but the better option would be to message me on discord Phoenix#4143 or btag Phoenix#11103. Cheers