Hello folks,
I’ve just re-subbed a few days ago, and I’ve never done this before, so I thought I’d give it a shot. The reason I’m here is that I’m tired of not doing anything in this game worth doing. I’m not a casual per se, but you could certainly classify me as such right now because I just haven’t been progressing. The major reason being that I haven’t bothered to look anywhere outside my realm groups, and that ends today.
With that being said, I’ll give you some info about myself, and what characters I have.
Right off the bat, I’ll say that I have no mythic raiding experience in this expansion, mostly because I don’t have a serious raiding guild, let alone A raiding guild. (Note: my current guild is casual, no worries.)
What I want is simple: a laid-back, non-toxic guild with some great people to play all kinds of content with. A guild where I wouldn’t be forced to change to a certain class or spec simply because the meta calls for it. I know that helps, but one needs to have fun, and you don’t if you’re not playing what you enjoy. I don’t know what kind of loot system people run nowadays, but none of that DKP/Loot Council nonsense, my vanilla days are over.
I do have raiding experience and I know how progression is, and I value the opportunity to keep learning, otherwise how else would we improve. I’m a quick learner and I just want to be able to utilize my skills in this video game the way that I should’ve been a long time ago, not just doing random crap that won’t get me anywhere. If you can bear with me, guide me if need be, teach what I do not know so that I can improve, that’s all I ask for. I’m brutally honest, and I value honesty, there’s really nothing else to say on that matter.
Mythic raiding would be the goal, but I would be perfectly happy with full heroic. I also enjoy Mythic+ and PvP, although not really doing any PvPing right now, for a variety of reasons.
Faction - Alliance
My Main - Protection Paladin. Have gear/leggo for both off-specs.
Current ILVL - 222
Alliance Alts at 60 - Frost DK (209), Subtlety Rogue (205), Fury Warrior (198)
Horde Alts at 60 - Vengeance DH (204)
My Time Zone - CST
Availability - Any (would prefer weekends as raiding days, but not set in stone)
I am willing to transfer anywhere, but not switching factions.
I am not willing to main another class, my paladin is my main.
I realize a tank looking for a raiding guild that is already established may be difficult, but I am willing to perhaps DPS or Heal, although, my performance is best with tank. Please consider tank first before asking for another role.
I have a mic and am able to talk.
Discord only. Not interested in teamspeak or anything else.
If there’s any interest, please reply with your Discord, and we’ll go from there!
Thank you for your time.