[A] Returning players looking for guild on Stormrage

My wife and I are looking for a home for SL. We’ve been gone for a good bit and are recently returning for shadowlands. She tends to play healers or tanks (druid/shaman/priest/pld/mnk) I mainly play my DK and prefer frost but can tank as well if needed. Also have hunter and rogue. We would prefer a more casual fun guild over hardcore. We used to do hardcore raiding for years but have been burned out as of late and took a long break cause of it (like all of bfa). Need something chill and socially fun rather than constant stress and grind. If you feel this is you, please post below and I’ll be in touch. Thank you in advanced!

Hey Ihzan,

Crimson Brotherhood is looking for all dps roles and a healer to expand our raid size come shadowlands. We’re AoTC and KSM in raids and Mythic+. Check us out.


Hi there.

I know we’re not on Storage but I figured I’d throw my hat in anyhow because we have a great need for healers and DPS.

Pyreanor is a smallish semi-hardcore guild on Wyrmrest Accord that is looking to build our community for heroic raiding in Shadowlands.

Currently we’re compromised of mostly returning players who are killing time until the next expansion.

Our main goal is AotC in Shadowlands content or before without that one guy who yells in voice chat.

Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific.

Aside from the raiding aspirations, we help others gear up and we teach new players.

We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger.

Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.

Zandrae#1418 / D: Rialius#0301

I sent you a friend request on Discord. Look for Hachuurui and lets chat a bit :slight_smile:

Hello, horde side on Thrall. We are recruiting in regards to Shadowlands raid content for weekday as well as our weekend raid team. We are AOTC guaranteed, Mythic progression, with heroic always on farm.


-Wednesday/Thursday: 10-1est.

-Looking to recruit for Heals, DPS and possibly Off-tank/DPS

-Hard progression, strict enviorment, Must meet requirments.

-Heroic -> Mythic


-Sunday/Monday 10pm-1am EST

-Looking to recruit anyone

-Laid back casual enviorment

-Normal -> Heroic


-Good Attendance barring Emergencies

-Fully enchanted , with personal food and proper pots for your class and spec

-A general understanding of raid bosses as we approach them

-Improving yourself thru world questing, reps, keys, etc…

-Good knowledge of your toon and spec, if need assistance this will be the player responsibility to seek this out.

-Cauldrons will be provided

The goal is to succeed as a team and progress thru content via communication,structure and continued improvement in and out of raid enviroments without the elitist mentality or attitude. We want to supply opportunities for the entry level raider with our weekday team as well progression raiding with our weekend team.

Please contact the following on Discord.

GM- AwesomeIsMatt#1304

Officer- Saraid#2102

Officer- Alfaro#7894