[A] Returning player looking for a home

I know this is probably a long shot but I’d rather not transfer servers if I can help it. So this is me putting myself out there in hopes of finding something that fits.

Hello ladies and gents, returning player here looking for a guild to truly call home. I’ve been a casual player since TBC; mainly playing solo for the game story/lore. I’ve leveled up new toons each expansion getting to max level and then dropping from the game because i’ve still, to this day – after all these years, haven’t found a group of players to stick with and delve into endgame content with.

Wish Shadowlands I decided to scrap my old account and was really hoping for a fresh new start with WoW. I only played for two months and enjoyed my time with the campaign. After getting to max level I wanted more, I wasn’t ready to put the game down, however, whenever I would log on to play – hell anytime i log in to play the server feels so empty nobody talks in trade chat. Trying to PUG dungeon content is just as empty because nobody talks and the group just wants to get the runs over with asap. (which i understand)

I ended up putting the game down after days of nothing getting better. Moved on to other MMOs to give them a try, and while some have been amazing. I’ll probably always be drawn back to WoW, i’ve just gotten so used to how it looks and feels.

Over the years I’ve of course joined the random LFR group and i’ve also been that guy that naively joined a random 2’s pvp from trade chat to try things out on both ends but… endgame with a group of trusted people you take the time to get to know and trust to do group content with is completely different.

That being said my interest are slightly more towards PVE content but I haven’t given up on getting into group PVP events either! I’m interested in delving more into mythic+ content and raiding; those are probably at the top of my list. I’ve tried both DPS and healing and while I enjoy both I think i’m better suited for dps with my lack of endgame experience (at least for now)

Some people might be asking why commit to WoW at this time?
I think its the perfect time for someone like me to find a group and build something during the lull before the next expansion. My current main is my druid and would be more than willing to run any kind of content to learn how the class plays endgame, and during the downtime level some alts for the upcoming expansion. If nothing comes from this post then it’s also probably a sign that I should transfer or just commit to moving on from WoW and that’s okay! I just wanted to make a last ditch effort and see what happens. :]

you can also reach me out on discord @ Evericed#0812



Just came back myself but Alliance side i would recommend:

PvP: Kill Order, Lionguard, Clan Battlehammer (Dwarf only)
PvE: Salty Sea Doggos

I really don’t know if these guilds are really recruiting since I just got back also
but its a good place to start. GL bro!


While I appreciate the shoutout Jimmy the Doggos are currently on hiatus from wow for the most part. There are a few of us that play casually at the moment but most of the guild is venturing into other games due to various reasons.

Unfortunately, I’m not even sure there is a pve centric alliance guild anymore on the server. There are plenty of pvp guilds and I’m sure some of them dabble in m+.


If you want to RP and hang out with a bunch of Night elves, give the Kaldorei a try. Night elf RP PVP guild. hit me up if interested. not much for PVE though I’m afraid.


We also appreciate the shout out Jim!! Kill Order is PvP only. Our activity has been focused on arena play and WPvP with random battlegrounds. We have been actively trying to focus on the ED community and the Alliance community mainly due to activity across the board. You may want to check out Asgard for your needs, I believe they do a little of both PvE and PvP.