(A) Returning player looking for a guild to call home

Good afternoon!
I am a returning WoW player who is looking to get back into raiding and mythic+. I have raided in the past and had to take a break due to some real life issues but since the start of this expansion I now have the time to devote to raiding once again.

I have a lvl 60 Mage 169 item lvl and also currently working on a DK and Paladin.

My schedule is pretty open I can raid tue-sat any time past 6pm and staying up late is not an issue for me!

I may not be the best now but I am striving to be better at my class and learn mechanics on my own. I would love to find a guild interested in letting someone learn and get better. If you are interested leave a message here or message me in game my battlenet tag is RagnaBlood#1112

Thank you for your time!


Would love to talk and see where you are at and how closely our raid would fit with what you are looking for. We are looking for a mage and you are looking for a guild/raid. I sent you a bnet friend request.

You can learn more about our guild here:



Hey there! We are currently looking to expand our roster.
Just need a place to call home? That’s awesome! We are a group of busy adults that realize everyone has a life and other priorities. We just want to play the game with friends and have fun while doing so. Social members are always welcome to hang out, run dungeons, PvP, whatever interests you in the game. It’s your free time, come enjoy it with friends. We will have multiple groups running for M0 and M+, as long as you are willing to show up and try your best, we can fit you in somewhere, even if raiding isn’t your cup of tea. We will also be running a Saturday raid group for anyone who wants to join (alts/casual/etc). If this sounds like a place you would like to call home, please send a message to either Lunabeara (Lealuna#1709)(Discord: Lealuna#7058) or Hornysteve (Supimsteve#1563)(Discord: supimsteve#4023).