As the title suggests im looking for a guild to join for the remainder of Wrath classic and into whatever comes next for classic. I am a veteran player who has played for 15+ years and plays all versions of the game (classic, hardcore,wrath,retail). I am looking for a home for my wrath classic mage/pally tank. My mage is in mostly naxx 25 gear and 4.4k GS while my pally take is more or less a fresh 80 at 3.8kgs. I know this is bad gear for ICC and am not expecting to be handed free gear or raid week 1 ICC until my gear is up. Just looking for a place to sink my teeth back into classic wrath. I love leveling and just having a group of people to play with. If you have any questions or this your guild is a good spot for me, add me on discord: ximu