[A] Returning Mage LF Guild (Heroic, M+, maybe Mythic prog)

I’m returning to WoW after a long hiatus. I last played in BFA/Shadowlands and did Mythic raiding in a two-day guild. I don’t have as much time to pursue intense mythic raiding anymore, though would be open to it in a chill 1/2 day prog group. My main goal is to find a group of laidback, likeminded players to group up with for Heroic raid, M+, and possibly some Mythic prog (without a firm goal of getting CE). I play Frost Mage right now, and am planning to learn Fire and Arcane after I have Frost mastered.

I’ve only cleared the heroic raid once or twice, so my logs are an assortment of green-purple. I’m working to get purple/orange logs over the next few weeks. I’m still fairly new and have only been playing for 2-3 weeks now, but am 483 ilvl and I can comfortably do 18-20 range keys. I recently transferred, and my in-game name on Stormrage is Parmz.

While my schedule is casual/midcore, I have a hardcore mentality and am always pushing myself for improvement. I expect a lot out of myself and constantly try to learn and optimize so I can perform at a higher level. That being said, my outlook toward other players is very open and friendly and I have a lot of patience for people who are just trying to enjoy the game, learn their class, and get better along the way. I tend to play in the evenings and Thursday night is the only night I can’t group up for content due to pre-existing commitments.

Hit me up if your guild might be a good fit! I play Alliance but I’m fine with cross-faction guilds as well.

very interested in your mage…

I am the lead recruiter for Eclipsed on Stormrage and would like to talk to you more about our raid teams…

Please reach out to me at my Discord: nakkita OR add me on BTAG: britt2376#1776

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks for the warm offer! I spotted the recruitment post and was interested. The main struggle I have is that Thursday nights are rough for me, and I usually can’t commit to both Saturday and Sunday. I’m going to keep an eye on your guild in case any Tues/Wednesday or other combination of evenings pops up for raiding.

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Hi Parms, “Insanity Raiding” has been rebuilding it’s raid team, and we do raid heroic T/W 7:45-10pm EST. We are a large Casual Progressive that has been around since 2010, and have many older players. What’s different about us compared w/ most of the guilds out there is that we never bench any of our players in our raid, and we have a combination of player talents. A number of us are also aged 50+. As for keys, there are a few individuals who do the 18-20 range. If we sound like the perfect home for you, just contact me in-game for either more info/invite or if you can’t catch me online, and just desire an invite then directly apply to “Insanity Raiding” through guild-finder (under Raid tab), and we will invite you through there. Hope to have you join our family!

Thank you! I will keep this in mind.

Still looking for the ideal group. Most seem to raid Thursday night, which is the one night each week I can’t make it. Looking primarily at Tues/Wednesday groups or a combination of Tues/Weds + Fri-Sun.