So I signed back up. I heard you must have an active subscription to get in the beta and played during vanilla. I figured sure why not I am happy to pay to play the version of the game I loved again. So I sign up and think I will get in. Then I find out only streamers are getting in for the most part. I’m a little irritated at myself for getting tricked into paying but I understand they want attention brought back to the game. So I figure why not try the existing game. I have put in 10-15 hours and I really hate the current game. I am sure there are people who love and that is fine but for me it just sucks.
At first I tried the new class and the story was interesting but there was 0 challenge to it. I figured I would play my old main and see if it was just the new stuff. I quit in cata but all the questions where from mists. I had a little fun in the dungeons at first but there is no communication and the gear made no sense. I didn’t see anything special drop but none of the gear was special. It was designed so 0 effort was needed to collect it. I went back and played my 65 rouge and lved up 3 lvs faster than it took me to go from lv 7-10 in vanilla.
I also learned how much I hated the new way ability’s where done. I loved the point system. I loved being able to play with and mix abilities. Unfortunately all of that was stripped and it operates in a way that I don’t feel unique in any way. I then created a lv 1 and played it. This was probably the most fun I had but still lacked any challenge and just ended up killing bores and skinning them.
I then noticed how much skins cost on the AH. So I figured I would try to earn enough gold to get the new tokens. I figured if I put all my money into that I could get my sub for free until I get in the beta or it officially came out. Turns out no one buys the low lv or mid lv stuff on the auction house because everyone has the special gear for there alts. Sorry I don’t recall what it is.
As a returning player I would cancel my sub right away. The lack of communication make it lonely to play and the lack of challenge really kills my desire to lv. I came across several bugs in the lv 40 area that required me to logout and reset the instance. Since no one plays theses and often just pay to reach top end content I doubt they get reported very often. It makes me wonder if blizzard knows about them and ignores them just to get people to pay for lving or if they truly just don’t know about them. In the end i’m Not having fun and I don’t want to grind out money to keep the free subscription just to play classic but I really want to play classic to the point that blizzard has me paying and possibly continuing to pay for access to a beta that I might never get into. I hope they change the requirements because I can easily see them getting a lawsuit over this.
To blizzard I ask that they get rid of this requirement. You are not getting a returning subscription for your new stuff. I will gladly pay for the old game. Maybe one day your new content will be the equivalent of your old but in current form you are not enticing old players to new content but irritating them with your policies.
I cannot find the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in the body. Anyone else see it?
You have been critically hit by wall o’ text for 3172 damage
You have died. 
Release? Yes/No.
If you had of read the actual announcement, you would have saw that having an active subscription is required for a chance at beta. I understand many are upset about this, but people really need to learn to read. There isn’t going to be a lawsuit, and even if there was, Blizzard would win because it isn’t their fault people didn’t read.
Also, it’s not just streamers. In the end, streamers are a small amount compared to the total in beta. A friend of mine got in from the beginning and he’s not a streamer.
I too really want to play classic and have everything back.
You’re right, tricked and left with only BFA top notch content while Streamers are smearing beta all over our faces.
Good luck getting a token though that’s a lot of sales unless you can flip something on the AH.
I read the whole thing.
Just wanted to add here, I understand your disappointment OP. You are far from the only one to be disappointed that they haven’t gotten into beta. But the announcement did also say it’s was going to be a small scale, focused beta. The announcement is actually in one of the stickied threads at the top of this forum by the way.
The chances of getting in the beta were very slim and subscribing for the chance was a gamble for any player. I’m not in either, but I was fortunate enough to get to play the last two stress tests. While I would of course have loved to have gotten in the beta, after waiting for eight plus years for this, three months isn’t too much longer to wait.
You’re going to have to maintain an active sub to play Classic anyway, so if you don’t like Live now, don’t bother paying because you more than likely will not get access before August. It’s already June so just wait the three months until the full launch rather than pay money for a chance at getting into a beta that won’t matter. It isn’t meant to be early access for people.
Good lord use paragraphs. I didn’t even bother to read this.
Well next time google it or do a forum search before you spend the 15 bucks? What is the point of this post? You jump into things blindly?
There aren’t enough streamers to make the beta mostly streamers.
Sorry you purchased a subscription now, that was a mistake given your intentions.
Cancel your subscription until they A) open beta up to public, or B) the game releases at the end of August
Also I agree, the current retail game is not fun, I play it out of addiction to wanting a certain type of game rather than because I like it.
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Would LOVE to know how you found this out. Patiently awaiting your source showing how many people are in the Beta and how many of them are streamers.
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Ok first off stop with the salty jealous streamer hate. It’s old.
But I will give you this, I disagree as well on having to have a sub to get into the beta. They have never required that before and it smacks of desperation given their disastrous Q1 report as to active users.
However, you are not owed anything here in regard to getting into a beta. Yes the streamers are in because they are free advertising and from a business position it makes sense. But a lot of regular players are in as well because there simply aren’t THAT many streamers. Go ahead and sue them over not getting a beta invite, I’d love to see how long a judge takes to laugh you out the door.
Now, you actually touched on something that I’ve long felt, you mentioned how no one needs the lower level stuff so it isn’t selling on the AH for you to earn the gold to buy tokens. Yeah, you are so correct. Most players have heirlooms so they don’t need gear. Professions at lower levels are not worth leveling because there is zero point in it, all you need are the current max level profession recipes and such. That needs to be changed because the bottom line is nothing below max level matters at all. Just race to 120 as fast as you can, skip everything you can, and worry about max level stuff only because the rest is completely worthless.
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There should be a confirmation Box asking:
Do you know what or how to make a paragraph?
Then select option YES or NO.
If you get it correct you are allowed to post, if not it will deny you posting anything.
Couple of million subs, few thousand beta testers. Your only guarantee is that you are not likely too be one of the few thousand.
Could people stop pushing this narrative? The world would be one big empty ghost town if this were the case.
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Based on what evidence?
How would you know who got into beta? It’s easy to know if a streamer got into beta because they are streaming the game, but people who didn’t aren’t streaming.
I don’t understand what you mean by unique. What other class do rogues play like?
Do you know how long it would take to level to 120 if it was just like Vanilla?
That could be an issue with the game or an issue on your end. Did you report the issue?
Did you not see a single other player? A person can’t pay to “reach top end content” A person can pay to level up to 110, but not 120.
A lawsuit? For doing what? It’s a chance to get beta and not a guarantee.
While opting-in to the beta is the primary way to make sure you’re in the running to join the test it doesn’t guarantee an invitation to the closed beta test.
The closed beta is a testing environment and not permanent. All the time you put into the game would get wiped sometime after the beta ended or even during the beta.
What’s your solution to that issue?
I don’t mind waiting. I found out it was coming out and heard all you needed was to have played during vanilla and have an active subscription. I found out from a streamer I watch. As I wasn’t active in wow and hadn’t been in years I didn’t go looking for the full information. I just followed the steps set out by the streamer. It wasn’t till after the fact that I found out that it wasn’t the case. That is what caused me to explore other parts of the game.
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