Hey all. New to the server and looking for a guild. I raided wrath back in the day and have played a paly since wrath as well.
I am looking to raid any day during the week except weekends. I prefer anytime around 8 p.m. EST and no later than 12 a.m. EST.
I will be a little late to start the exp grind as I have a vacation planned leaving Tuesday and returning Friday. I’ll check back then. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
Back from vacation and working on leveling up.
Also, just a little about me since my first post was short.
I played WoW off and on in Vanilla and TBC, started playing full time at the release of Wrath. I was a guild leader in Wrath from about the end of the Nax up until about a year or so ago when I deiced to take a break from the game. During Wrath I lead my guild to full Mythic clears in ICC - Tribute to Mad Skill in TotC while clearing all content in each expansion, mostly Heroic since we changed the culture of the guild during Mists from a semi-hardcore to more of a casual guild.
As mentioned I came back to check out Wrath and re-live the expansion since it was my favorite. I am shaking off some rust, and getting a feel for the Classic experience again. I am open to off tanking or off healing as needed, but I prefer to DPS mainly.
My btag is: Zublak#1190
And my Discord info is: Ransôm#6549 (in case need the ô in my name is alt+244)