<A> Ret Paladin w Holy Offspec LF Skilled Heroic Guild (Mythic not required)


I started raiding in the last patch of WoD and really cut my teeth with raiding in Legion. I am a 2 time Mage Tower Champion on all specs and have a good understanding of the game mechanics as well as character optimization. Always got burnt out raiding by raid groups that don’t know how to quickly regroup and repull and learn from their mistakes. Mistakes are fine, but repeating them is annoying.

I don’t have the time for WoW to be the only thing I ever play ever again, so really I am looking for a group of veteran skilled players who also don’t have the time to grind sweaty Mythic requirements or do M+ all day.

Nothing wrong with those people or guilds, just not what I am looking for. I have no issue not being in a guild until I find the right fit. Just getting back into this patch, hit 500 ilvl and am just now looking at M+ outside of normal raids.

Want to get established with a home for TWW!


Hey, we (From Ashes) are rebuilding our old guild for all content and are looking for some good raiders that want to have fun and clear content. Cannot promise we will get into mythic, but heroic will be our goals. We also PvP.
If interested, add alatrix to discord or shockwave#1487 to bnet