Hello! I am a 927io (currently) resto druid with years of raiding experience and overall gaming at the higher end of content. I am looking for a guild that is active, and not only raids but also has a deep interest in M+ dungeons and maybe even RBGS. I am open to a server transfer, but I am not looking to go to horde right now as I have some friends I would still like to run with occasionally on alliance.
Regarding raid times, I am looking for a guild that has 2-3 raid days after normal office hours for PST. So anytime between 7-12 PST would be preferred.
Guilds I will be avoiding:
- Social guilds (nothing against social guilds…and I don’t mind “being” social in a guild. but I want a guild interested in progressing)
- Guilds with inactive members except on raid day. (I want to do more then just raid, and expect people in my raid to be progressing their characters power outside of raid as well.)