A Request for More Pet Battle Dungeons and a Pet Battle Raid

Hello WoW Developers,

As a passionate pet battler, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the current pet battle dungeons such as Wailing Caverns, The Deadmines, Gnomeregan, Stratholme, and Blackrock Depths. These dungeons add a unique and engaging aspect to the game. I would love to see more dungeons based on classic instances like Scarlet Monastery, Dire Maul, Maraudon, Scholomance, or even Burning Crusade dungeons like Hellfire Ramparts or The Underbog. These new dungeons could offer fresh challenges and new pets to collect.

Additionally, introducing a pet battle raid where players can team up to face challenging pet bosses would be a fantastic addition. This would not only bring a new level of excitement but also foster cooperation among players. I believe these ideas would greatly enhance the pet battling experience for all players.

Thank you for considering these suggestions!

Best regards,



It’s been a while since we had some new pet battle stuff, like a dungeon.

And no, the DF weekly quest to win 5 PvP pet battles doesn’t count, lol.

I wish there was like a PvP pet tournament event with rewards and a scoring system or something.

MoP celestial tourney was a long time ago, but more PvE pet stuff is always good.

Treat it like casual PvP, it’s a unique fun little system that could use more love/incentives.


It’s not a fun system, though, which is why so many of the pet battle enthusiasts just bot everything with tdscript.

The problem with pet battles is that they’re only 5% player input and 95% just sitting there waiting for the overly long animations to finish.


Yeah, I can tell when playing vs bots, but I never have botted/scripted myself.

Nothing worse than someone sitting there letting the timer run out, picking last second, in hopes of having the other player leave.

And funny pet names like “Just”, “Forfeit” and “Now” lol.

I enjoyed it a lot back when actual people were the majority of battlers.

I still play it from time to time, halfway to “Trainer” title.


i’m all for a new pet battle dungeon honestly i miss them. kinda want them to do one of the netherstorm dungeons.


Lol nice

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I love beating those guys, I really do.

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I don’t know why we didn’t get more dungeon runs though they can be challenging and even have frustrating RNG – if they are tough enough then you’ll set up xu fu and count turns (a horrible experience) for every single battle. I don’t know anyone who faced the dungeons and thought, “I’ll figure this out by trying a bunch of different pet combinations on my own”.

And the Devs do not read these posts, sad to say.

A Request for More Pet Battle Dungeons and a Pet Battle Raid

Ok, I’ll get right on it.

I’ve never done anything with battle pets, really. What even are pet battle dungeons, and by extension what would a raid be?

So pet battle dungeons are single player instanced pet battles with a predetermined line-up of pets to fight. there is usually 1-2 ADDs pets fights then a boss Pet fight. usually themed on the dungeon. an example to give is like Skum in wailing caverns. he has a pet version in the Pet dungeon, called Son of Skum.

When asking for a Raid it could be like a 2-5 player pet battle dungeon, most likely 2 because so much less work. basically the party would go in a round robin like format in terms of the fight. like double battles in pokemon. each person picks an attack and then buffs and debuffs that the players use help or hinder their teammates also

Example: Molten Core Pet Battle Raid: Boss pet - Mini-Geddon (reference to baron geddon)
he’s a fire elemental so weak against Aquatic and critter type pets. you and your teammate both slot in a full team of Aquatic type battle pets. and in a few rounds you kick Mini-Geddon’s butt because he takes double damage from water type moves.

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