My good friend of 40 years and our guild Leader for Bitter And Jaded on Gul’dan passed away from a stroke last Tuesday.
His Character Morktar had been realm 1st Cooking to 450, 525 and 600 and would have recieved the Iron Chef title if it wasn’t pulled from the game.
I would like to request, his character be added as a cooking related NPC… either as a trainer or farmer as he Loved his farms in Pandaria. Wow was his favorite past time and we have palled around together in it since moving to WoW vanilla from Everquest.
I know sometimes Blizzard does put memorial characters in the game and I would really appreciate if Iron Chef Morktar was considered.
I know we all have looked at out friends lists before and seen friends who have not been on in years… but it hits different when it’s just been 22 days but you know you will never see them again.
Make sure to tend to your blood pressure folks. Take care of yourselves so you can stay with your friends and family longer.
Thank you for reading this post.
Chris Angrybeef-Gul’dan