About us:
Our philosophy is we are casual only in that we raid 2 core nights a week, Monday/Wednesday 7:30pm ST (AEST) {alternate raid nights also in the mix for ZG20 enchants & AQ20} with people who are passionate about their class spec and destroying raid bosses! The core raid group players must min/max, farm consumables as required, know boss fights! But we do accept “casual” players in the guild who have a hectic RL schedule/do not want to 40 man raid, and may just want to quest/farm/run general dungeons or 10/20 man raids! We are currently farming MC, Ony, World Bosses, ZG20, AQ20 and BWL! We have moved into AQ40! Our guild vision is to move through all content as per normal progression raiding (ie MC, Ony, ZG, World Bosses, BWL, AQ20 & 40 and ultimately Naxx) to gear up rerolls/newcomers and achieve a few loose ends that cloned players have left over. The guild has a friendly atmosphere, community oriented (with many of us helping other players on the server with mats for crafting/quest chains/dungeons etc, along with lower level guildies/non-guildies in levelling dungeons), and build relationships! We have an excellent reputation on server. We have strived to rebuild the Oceanic community on an Oceanic server with 20ms latency. We would invite all former Remulos players to come help us do that and to save an actual Vanilla oceanic server in perpetuity!
Looking for:
Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, Hunter, Warlock. But open to all good applicants, Raiding or casual players, as we are a broad church, but have well defined boundaries around our core raid group within our guild rules and expectations which does require the use of consumables, min/maxxing, knowing boss fights.
Dungeon/Raid times: Mon 7:30pm (MC & Ony) / Wed 7:30pm (BWL/AQ40). ZG20/AQ20/World bosses (Alternate evenings). This schedule will change in the next 6 weeks with a full emphasis on AQ40 on Wed night.
Loot System: Preraid dungeons/20 man raids - MS > OS roll, 40 man Raids - Core Loot Manager addon (DKP with 5% weekly decay)
Message me directly on disc for more information or ingame: Belisarius/Baldwyn, Lyera, Speedhump, Chobe