[A] <Released> | Tue/Thu 8p - 11p | Semi-Hardcore

Released is looking to add more to our roster!

Raid Schedule
Tue: 8-11
Thu: 8 – 11
3rd day determined by need and avail. of the raid: 8-11
We are a semi-hardcore guild with one goal in mind - clear all content at a reasonable pace while having fun in the process.
Phase 1 ended with us in 5th place for progression / speed and we are aiming for top 3 this phase
Released’s logs are public, and we specialize in fast boss kill times, with a raid environment that encourages min-maxing.
Logs: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/guild/reports-list/488271/

5/6 SSC
3/4 TK

Loot Distribution
We currently run a Loot Council system and strive to be as transparent as possible to avoid drama, to help with that we use That’s My BIS.

Main Raid Needs:

  • Ranged DPS (Non Mages)
  • Healer (Non Priest)
  • Boomkin
    All Applicants are encouraged to have a raid ready, non-melee, alt. Logs are required.

If you’re interested in joining us
Primoris Primoris#4682 (discord)
Hadiya Hadiya#0456 (Discord)
Sonicwavez Ifking#0948 (Discord)

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