We’re a “semi-hardcore” guild looking for a few good men, women, non-binary, trans, attack-helicopters.
By semi-hardcore I mean we’re looking for raiders who can have pretty consistent attendance, use their class’ basic consumables, and have some functional level of competence- paired with an ability and desire to improve and contribute.
We only run a single 40 man raid group and don’t have plans to become a multi-raid group guild.
Progression wise we’re 8/8, clearing bwl in ~2 hours but still learning and improving.
We raid Tuesday and Thursday, 8pm-11pm EST
Our loot system is suicide kings based, with a priority sheet to make sure loot is not wasted. An example would be nightslayer gloves being sword rogue prio, as dagger rogues would be aiming towards aged core leather gloves.
We’re currently looking for a holy paladin or holy priest. Also interested in picking up a warlock, mage or feral druid.
If you’re not one of these classes, but think you’re an absolute unit and really want to join this guild in particular for some reason I would like to hear from you as well.
You can apply in-game by whispering Primoris or Tsunders or on discord by direct messaging Primoris#4682 or Tsunders#2710