[A] Reckless casual raiding guild

Howdy everyone!
My name is Cazadore, and we need a few more players who want to experience all of the end game content. Let me get the schedule out of the way to see if you like these raid times before going any further.

All events begin at 9 pm EST.
Monday: Dungeons
Tuesday: Progression raid (SSC)
Wednesday: Gruuls/Mag
Thursday: Cleanup/ alt raid Kara
Friday: Dungeons
Sunday: Training clinics (lessons about the game hosted by me or an officer. UI customization, dps lessons, etc)

So let me share a little more about our guild. It is my job to provide the space where like-minded gamers can find and enjoy an authentic classic TBC experience. We understand that the game is different, more defined, figured out even, from the first time around in 2007. We choose to ignore all the bs and just enjoy the game together. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the best gamers on the server, and made quite a lot of great wow friends with our current formula.

So our style is casual, and what that means to you, is that you can pick and choose which raids you want to attend. Everything is optional, and there are no obligations for any content, ever. We are structured in a way that allows for people to take breaks, take the night off, for any reason.

Dont believe it? Here are some quotes right from a few guildies

Cazadore is the coolest guildmaster EVER! PERIOD

Brennen I cant even make eye contact with you right now

Cazadore is a jerk
-Joe Biden

So you see we really have gained a lot of clout, and Im fairly certain the average player lives in fear as long as Reckless is around.
No but seriously folks, we have a great time in here and what we need are a few more dps, an aspiring raid tank, and 1-2 healers.

Currently we are full on warriors, and priests. Everything else is desired.
If you are interested and would like to join the crew, please message any member from the guild in game, and we will get you all hooked up with discord info and a party favor.

Thanks for reading!

So I joined a few different guilds on Pagle trying to find the right fit before I joined Reckless. I’m happy in knowing that I will never have to look for another guild again. I feel right at home with this great group of individuals. Yeah we clear raids and do heroics, but it’s much more than that. We treat everyone like family and help each other out. We have even been know to completely lock down farming areas because someone needed some primal fires. Never really played before? No problem we will coach you up and get you going. Already know all there is to know? No matter we will find ways to make sure you are having fun. Come check out Reckless if you want to win.

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This week, we ran 3 groups into kara, and pugged what we needed. All 3 great success, very nice! Next week we are doing Gruul/Mag Monday, SSC Weds to get 2-3 more people attuned.