they wouldn’t menton story. the only story hint we got in the 8.1.5 release was an image of Sylvanas holding Xal’atath and 8.1.5 had a whole mini raid and story related to releasing Xal’atath.
I’m usually wrong though, don’t take my word on anything.
are you actually suggesting I eat babies or de-humanize them?
I’m all about ethical and philosophical discussions about life but I feel like you have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to me and you will find any excuse to make me look bad.
Yeah, it is morally challenging, and that’s for every person who has an abortion to decide for themselves. Personally, I’m not sure if I would choose abortion, but I’ve never been in that position. I’ve talked to a lot of other women about it, some find it easier to dehumanize it to cope. Other’s struggle internally. But what I know is right is it’s not up to anyone else to judge or make the decision for that person.
I do think it’s just a fertilized egg at the point of abortion. I don’t think that’s trivializing it. You absolutely can grieve the possibility of life and personhood, and also recognize that a zygote or an embryo is not actually a person, it’s actually just a clump of cells. But that being said, I also have friends who are trying to conceive through IVF or have had early miscarriages and in those cases they are babies, because that’s up to the mother to decide. I have enough empathy just like you to consider both side of the argument and that’s why, like you I’m pro choice.
What I don’t have empathy for is pro-birthers trying to make it illegal for women to get abortions or enforce religious views on other people.
I mean, moral decisions shouldn’t be made in a vacuum. Evil is rarely not justified in the eyes of the perpetrator.
But why? Again, is physical development what makes a human? Or mental? Emotional even?
You can’t truly believe the mother can arbitrarily decided what qualifies as a living human. To completely absolve them any sense of responsibility for the life that is taking shape within them seems really gross and dishonest to me.
Again, if you believe life begins at conception, why wouldn’t they try to make it illegal? It’s murder in such a case.
The whole thing hinges on how we define a living, human person. And I don’t think we are assigned value by our mothers while we are still in the womb.
Yeah, physical development is a start. I’ve already explained this, but I think while “life” isn’t all that special consciousness is what’s really important in my opinion and consciousness doesn’t occur until after the brain and nerves are formed.
People without brain function can be kept alive via machines but is that really a life? no, that’s why people make tough decisions to pull the plug on life support.
To me it’s about quality of life and while you downplay those as “conveniences” I disagree with your take on it as much as I disagree with Thadeus’s take. If someone can’t afford to take care of a child, if that child will suffer, physically or mentally. It’s not just minor inconveniences you are potentially bringing a child into this world to suffer, and you think that’s better because … at least a parent can’t skirt their responsibilities? No, I don’t think that’s ethical at all. You sound like you just want to punish the person who got pregnant, and this is why I think you have internalized misogyny, Aki.
First, I would argue all life is due to experience some level of suffering. Some more than others. It is a noble goal to try and reduce suffering, but is the best way to do that truly to snuff out any opportunity they will ever have?
Next, in regards to brain function. Children are not fully self aware until they are around 2 years old. In the first year of their life, they are quite literally a bundle of cells that can’t think or move on their own.
So should babies be subject to termination up to 12 months post-birth?
One would think that if Jesus WAS actually God or at least that connected to God as he claimed to be that he would have had some better luck in getting his own book published.
I’m just asking questions. If they make you uncomfortable… Well, that is kind of my point.
As I mentioned before, I am pro-choice. But I feel like it would be dishonest of me to say that I am such for the benefit of children who never got a chance.
they only make me uncomfortable because they are dumb. Those are not logical questions, they are “gotem” type questions. No sane person would agree that infanticide is okay… Zygotes and embryos are not infants and should not be compared to them.
Do you honestly think an embryo and a toddler are the same thing?
If you had a choice to save a toddler or an embryo from a burning building, which would you save?
Are both lives worth the same?
You want to talk about lives being worth more than others, you agree a toddler’s life is more important than an embryo’s life, yes?
Is an embryo’s life worth more or the same as the woman carrying it? if you had to choose between the embryo and the woman carrying it, would you choose the embryo?
Because most people would choose the woman and for good reason.
No I don’t… But I am only going off your definition of what constitutes a living human.
You say a bundle of cells, that is not physically developed, not mentally or emotionally developed, that cant think or act on their own, is not a life.
I am not making any claims of what a life is or isn’t. I am asking you what you think. I don’t blame you for being uncomfortable with the question, because it’s not an easy thing to answer.