A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

So I never got tired. What is the name of the state of students when they do not sleep for a long time and continue to actively (not necessarily qualitatively) work on a project?

Is there “satisfactory” fatigue? Relief?

You can call them sleep-deprived.

Did you guys all know that a 6-week-old embryo has fewer nerves and awareness than a shrimp. We eat shrimp… it’s crazy.


to eat shrimp or eat babies?

I’m assuming no to both, but you never know. I’t’s certainly okay in the Old Testament to sacrifice your first born son on a mountaintop, though. (mines getting pretty sassy so I I like to consider what options are available to me religiously)

Eh, shouldn’t have said that. I don’t want to take the thread in a bad direction. Going to just go argue about customizations now.

I’m just being silly.


What will the AI-fanatics sacrifice? Hard drive or processor? Accumulator?

How about grasshoppers? It will be bad (probably) if the humanization of all carriers of animal protein takes place. Although, it is possible to make a lizard that regularly sheds its tail. Is it ethical to eat a lizard’s tail?
Milking cows - violence?

I know this is just being silly, but I find it a somewhat relevant question to ask. Not seriously, but when you dehumanize something to this degree, the reason why this question is so absurd becomes less clear.

A big part of the abortion debate is discerning precisely when life has value. Pro-choice position is dehumanizing the embryo, while pro-life is recognizing it as human life in it’s most earliest development. Neither position is really being honest, in no small part due to the fact that the criteria for being human is not defined.

What gives a human life it’s value? Physical development? What about people who are paralyzed? Is their humanity diminished?

So maybe mental development is the demining factor. Well, then what about the mentally ill? What about children under the age of two who are not yet fully self aware mentally? Should we be allowed to have a child for a year and decide “You know what, this isn’t for me.” ?

I technically consider myself pro-choice, but I understand the position of pro-lifers. A lot of pro-choice people are being dishonest about their position because… Well, it is uncomfortable to admit that we advocate for ending human life for, primarily, the sake of convenience.

You’re right about everything else you said, but i just find this part to be a little simplistic. There a numerous reasons a women may decide to get an abortion and none of them are easy to make.


Of course it’s simplistic and ignoring reality.

No one does it for that reason.


Calling an early abortion “ending human life” is questionable.


But you interrupted the development of the human individual, right?


Oh sure, that is ultimately why I fall on the side of the argument that I do. But statistically speaking, the reasons we are given is overwhelmingly about convenience.

just to expand on what I mean by “convenience” I mean it is not health related.

Either they are not financially prepared, or it is bad timing or unplanned, they dont want to be a single parent. They already have children, or a pregnancy interferes with educational or career plans.

Which, if you see a embryo as a human life, it is easy to see why some people wouldn’t accept those reasons to end a life.

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That’s correct.

Side note, the patch is coming out in two weeks.

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oh thank God. I wonder if there will be any story updates.

so we can have yet another debate about the value of life when put Sylvanas on trial for her crimes… yay :frowning:

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There won’t be, besides whatever comes from Legion Timewalking, and the new changes of course.

It’s a .5 patch there should be a little story development. in 8.1.5 we got Sylvanas arresting Baine. I hope 9.1.5 has Baine, Thrall and co confronting an imprisoned Sylvanas. That’s the least I can hope for.

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I hope you’re right, but the official released patch notes do not mention anything.