[A] Reborn and [H] Calamitous Intent of Dalaran 11/11 H are recruiting M DPS and Flexers!

To ask why we recruit, is to ask why leaves fall. It is in their nature. Perhaps there is a better question. Why do we recruit? To collect purples, and achievements. To preserve dps ranks, and bring sick memes. For my kind, the true question is: Who is worth recruiting?

Ours is a community of hatred. Alliances forged, and broken. We have paid the price for sharing this guild, and we have forgotten what makes us strong!

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Calipso: Drink, Denny. Claim your Guild Master Role. You will all be conquerors.
Denny: And what, Calipso, must we give in return?

(Denny threatens to Gquit)

Val: You… Would reject this gift? Did you gather these… Guildmates… Just to watch you leave?

Guild chat explodes, as blizzard continues to crumble under the weight of its terrible behavior and guilt!

Calipso: This, was not our destiny.
Tabr: Times Change!

Denny removes the Tabard from Calipso’s corpse, and dons the sacred guild crest

Denny: We will never clear raids, but we will make progress!


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Denny, I now believe as you do that community is the highest aspiration. But to preserve it, you must be willing to RAID.


Wow, that WoD one had some turbo cringe. Sorry for that folks! This is what happens when you don’t keep your worgen on tight leashes.

Anyhow, Reborn’s still looking for people! Especially Shaman. And Mages. And Healers. Come kill bosses, and get purples.

I will not apologize for following the instructions as presented.

Y’all need to understand that we are a bunch of great folks who love inside jokes almost as much as we love bringing other people INTO our inside jokes. Their like Tequila shots, the more the merrier. And without the messy hangover the next day.


Upwards and onwards.

Bumpity bump!

Sent request

Looks like you have no raid dayts/times.

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Apparently they were lost in an edit I did, thanks for pointing that out. They are back up!

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Bump. Come join us!

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Only the best memes in here.

bump it up to pump it up…

They think it be like it do but it is.

We’d love to have you! Come check out Reborn! :heart:

Hey, new potential recruits.

Look, I’m not saying we are THE BEST guild there is, but I AM saying that everyone else is a level below us.

Take from that what you will.

Just kidding, we really are the best.

I have been informed that posting this is in my contract.

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The beatings will continue until recruitment morale improves.

we now know that 10.0 is coming. This is literally the best time to join the best place… That way you are fully part of the family when the Christmas feast fight happens.

Yes, it always does… Why Shavaliah ALWAYS throws the potatoes first is beyond me.