[A] Reborn and [H] Calamitous Intent of Dalaran 11/11 H are recruiting for Season 4 and Dragonflight

Reborn(A) and Calamitous Intent(H) of Dalaran (11/11H) are looking to expand our core raid team. Our goal is to broaden our community by recruiting new, current and returning players to our dynamic team. As we prepare for season 4 and Dragonflight, we are looking for players who are personable, reliable, and ready to tackle the next challenge.

About Reborn:

We are a community made up of open-minded individuals from all walks of life. We are committed to playing the game we love while fostering a culture where players feel comfortable, accepted and heard. We strive to listen to our members and use constructive feedback to continuously improve how we manage the guild in this ever-changing environment. Many of our members are new and some stretch as far back to when the guild was founded in Legion.

Reborn has been raiding since Legion and traditionally always achieves AOTC. We have a tradition of doing the Glory of the Raider achievements and, if there is enough interest, we dip our toes into mythic raid content. In season 4, our goal is to continue raiding at a high level and take on the upcoming fated raids.

In addition to raiding, the guild has several members who enjoy pushing mythic+ content. Our members have regularly carved out time to help people get their KSM achievements and mounts. We also like to hold events for legacy mounts and achievements. Some players also enjoy PVP content.

Raid Schedule: 5 to 6 hr/wk

  • Tuesday: 7:30PM-10:00/10:30PM EST
  • Thursday: 7:30PM-10:00/10:30PM EST

Current Class Needs: We are ALWAYS looking for exceptional players/recruits in any class or role. However, we have a few classes in HIGH demand:

• Warrior (DPS)
• Paladin (Healer & DPS)
• Hunter
• Druid (DPS)
• Warlock
• Rogue
• Shaman (Healer & DPS)
• DK (DPS)
• DH (DPS)
• Flex Tank (Any)
• Flex Healer (Any)

What We Expect From our Raiders:

  • A level of competency in playing your class and a dedication to being prepared for raid.
  • We expect attendance and a cooperative attitude, (raiding is about the team not the individual).
  • We ask all raiders to have Weak Auras, a boss mod, and RC Loot Council. We run a loot council style system-- as much as is possible with personal loot, to ensure we can gear our raid up as quickly as possible and waste as few drops as possible. RC Loot Council helps us facilitate this in a quick and efficient manner.

What can Reborn Offer You and what makes us different?

What we offer is a fairly low stress environment that kills raid and mythic plus bosses and has fun doing it. Most importantly, we stick to our core values:

  • We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild. Progress is life, but we won’t burn our lives to cinders getting there. Taking our time is okay and we don’t expect amazing performance from everyone all the time.
  • No one will be benched for poor attendance or even poor gearing within reason. Attendance is rewarded.
  • We share (evenly) the spoils of our success (loot/BoE selling, etc)
  • Everyone is allowed an opinion/thought/voice.
  • Open/accepting guild (no bigotry, hatred, etc.).

Additionally, we have a strong community that spans several games–FF14, briefly New World, League of Legends, Diablo, and many others. You will find that in our Discord you are able to find someone willing to play most games-- even some people who can and will play TTRPGS!

Contacting Us

If you got through this and are interested in getting ahold of us, feel free to reach out to the following individuals:

Community Leader: callipso#1637

Guild Leader: denny#1703

Creepy Uncle: tigerlith#1593

Raid Lead: nephilim#1432

Resident Priest/me: Rynk#7008

Time is money

Bump. Come join us for for season 4!

I require more raiders.

Join us for coffee, tea, death and destruction!

You must construct additional raiders.

Still recruiting?

We sure are!

Looking for DPS warriors, H.Pals, Rogues, Locks and Spriests!