<A> Rebirth Recruiting Raiding & Social Guild

Currently MC and Ony cleared! Looking for healers/dps/tanks for dungeons/raids/pvp. Look us up!!

WTB more rogues and fury warriors…

If there are more GMs of smaller guilds wanting to talk discord is the fastest way to get a hold of me.

punt to the top

We are still recruiting for raids. We have enough Tanks, and Hunters for our raids. We need more Rogues, another mage or 2 for raids.

We also are looking for players who are non raiders that enjoy running dungeons. We may not have spot for tanks in our raids, however if you are interested in just running dungeons as a tank you are welcome to join us.

Bump, come get it done!

Bump, come on and join don’t be scared

Bumpity bump bump
Plz join

Currently clearing MC and Ony in one night!

We’ll be running Ony split runs to help gear faster!

Still have room for any non raiders or casual raiders.

We’re currently working toward split raids of MC and Onyxia, and we’d love to have you to accomplish that goal! Feel free to message myself or Helzbelz for more information.

We are looking for casuals to help us do alt/casual MCs on Sundays as well as help split Onys easier. Also looking for core raiders for BWL: 1 dagger rogue, 1 SPriest, 1 Holy Priest & 1 Warlock.

We are looking to start Alt/Casual MC run on Sunday in about 3 to 4 weeks when BWL becomes our main Tues and Thurs night raids.

Come get it done!

Is recruiting here.
Core raiders for BWL: 1 dagger rogue, 1 SPriest, 1 Holy Priest & 1 Warlock.
Casual Raiders and Non Raiders: All classes are open.

I just joined this guild, what a great bunch of people to play with.

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Core raiders for BWL: 1 Warlock & 1 DPS warrior & 2 Rogues 1 being a Dagger Rogue
Casual Raiders and Non Raiders: All classes are open.

Great group of folks, come join us for super chill and fun times

Meh, they’re okay I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

We still can use a Shadow Priest, Warlock and DPS Warrior.

Come get some!