A Rational Angry Shaman Post

Because you guys are being very vocal (rightfully so) about it.

And weā€™ve been vocal for over a decade. And it keeps happening.

I could post Blizzard corporate secrets in the shaman threads, and Blizzard wouldnā€™t notice

i love my resto shaman though

Is this when they removed Maelstrom only to put it back last second because they couldnā€™t think of anything else to do with Elemental?

Iā€™m gonna go out on a limb and assume the devs that are in charge of class balance, talents, abilities/skills, modifiers, etc. donā€™t have content creation on their plates too.

So likeā€¦you have 2 years of dragon flight where youā€™re turning some knobs here and there to tune (lol) specs, but you should also have large swaths of downtime while youā€™re waiting for data collection where you generally work on long term projects, like a class rework. What else would you do while you wait for data compilation after a rollout of changesā€¦

So that begs the question, if you have 2 years of shaman data, at multiple Ilvl points, tier sets, and talent builds - why did we not get a draft in place for alpha, or most importantly, a draft for discussion on the forums to provide feedback.

No one is asking for tuning, weā€™re asking for information and communication. So everyone is full speed ahead, and you have shamans left to hang out and dry. Itā€™s awful project management.

When they attempted fulmination? My memory is fuzzy, so I dont remember dates/time periods well. But fulmination was so bad and so universally panned, so horribly designed they gave up on it.

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All Iā€™ve ever wanted was to play a Human Shaman in WoW. It looks like I may not be able to this expansion, either.

Very disappointing.

I think Iā€™m just going to focus on FFXIVā€™s new expansion and come back to WoW in 11.3 to check up on things.

Keep up the good fight, fellow Shaman.

My fight is also based on not expanding to humans.

Enhancement stormstrike doesnā€™t even deal stormstrike damage. They gave stormstrike to mountain thane warriors. I main resto/enhā€¦ enh has button bloat imo, too many globals. Resto playstyle is ā€˜fineā€™ itā€™s old as dirt and sometimes boring but whatever if it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix it I guess.

edit: I will always be angry at how old our elemental models are. Thereā€™s so many models in the game, and warlocks and druids get so much customization. Likeā€¦ cā€™mon. Theyā€™re old enough to legally obtain a driverā€™s license when we got them, and theyā€™re almost old enough to drink since theyā€™ve been in the game for 20 years.

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Greatest shaman of them all.

We shaman will not get anything rework like aways take wherever they give you in stop complaining

Just a few suggestions and feedback for enhancement shaman. Iā€™ll be brief.

  1. Make Tempest instant cast always. After 40 stacks spent this should be intsant cast, period.

  2. Feral lunge should be baseline, period.
    Take the dmg off if that makes you feel better.

  3. Earthen Shaman still does not have bloodlust on horde side. Made one first day of beta, no bloodlust. Made 2 today, 1 horde and 1 alliance. Heroism is there for alliance, but no bloodlust for horde.

I only decided to to mention these couple of things in hopes they will actually be fixed. The first toon i ever made and to this day is still enhance. I didnt want to get into things like a 2h build or off tank build as these things have been talked about literally everyday on forums since BC and ignored. Over all those years its seems as if you guys throw us a bone, then say ā€œhold on, we donā€™t want to give them too muchā€. Like back in the day when you couldnā€™t even ghost wolf insideā€¦smh. Stop jipping us all of the time.

when you say the bad one, do you mean the one where late at night we all partied in that thread and tried to get the post to like 10k so it would make a part two but someone posted bean pics all the time? is that the bad one? or was there another bad one?

Probably because this is a topic for beta not general forums?
Or class forums.

Shamans will continue receiving no dev work unless there is some big reveal that they have secretly worked on a massive rework that they havenā€™t leaked or spoken about.

for all of our mental health pick a new class to play. Most of the high-level shamans are switching classes.

so I guess Blizz will finally be happy to kill a class?

Iā€™m glad I never played a shaman much over the years, you all sound miserable.

At least Resto is always good.

Generally, I find shamans to be a hardy group, as you can see from other posts, we have given out 1000 well-crafted detailed responses, to only be met with complete silence.

Even our angry posts are pretty restrained. in comparison to other classes.

eventually, everyone has the right to question where our dollars are being spent.

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Resto is the least survivable healer by a lot, without a tank external.

Totemic is essentially the resto rework, which makes the other hero talent DOA.

Also, why does healing wave continue to exist?