A Rational Angry Shaman Post

I’m more of a scorched earth kinda guy, but you did a great job.

It’s appreciated.

From the shaman feedback thread.

I am not expecting any changes.

The funny part is that the hero talents didn’t even drop until like…right before beta.


I pretty much deleted my shaman and made a warlock. I just hate how blizzard is treatinf shaman since i had a lot of fun playing it back in bfa.

Smart man


On the not bad thread before it was removed I made the suggestion that they may be saving a Shaman rework for the .0.5 or the .1 patch to go along with the opening of the class to all races. Make it a whole selling point for the patch.

And unless they are just pushing Shaman back to a later Beta build because they are still working on them, I really hope this is the case. Shaman need a lot of help. It would be nice though if Blizz would just say something.

Stormbringer for elemental fails to live up to even the most basic fantasy it’s trying to sell. Lightning Bolt alone is not a storm. Having 2 fire spells, 2 frost spells, 1 earth spell, and 1 lightning spell in the single target rotation does not feel like bringing a storm.


i ended bfa as elemental, started dragonflight as enhancement, and am ending dragonflight as survival, so i think i understand the shaman pain. maybe they’ll drop a surprise rework like they’re going to do for hunters after maintaining complete radio silence for the entirety of the alpha.

every single time they launch an expansion they get up on stage at blizzcon and apologize for not communicating, promise to do better, and… get worse, somehow. it’s really getting old.

It didn’t sound like hunters were getting a rework. Just updates to talents.

I guess we’ll see what happens with next week’s beta how big the updates are and that would likely set the tone for any possible shaman updates.

nearly all our talents are abilities you need (talent raptor strike, then talent into mongoose bite… just make raptor strike baseline; MM will get as much use out of it as i get out of arcane shot and steady shot) or passive two point damage increasing talents, so at this point anything is a rework

why yes, i am huffing copium

Whenever I try to play Elemental in keys, my damage is so bad that I unsub from WoW in a fight or flight type of panic mode, I did it the other day.

I don’t understand how it’s possible to do so little damage with the amount and frequency of buttons I’m pressing and the iLVL.
Did they make DPS 50% trinkets? That’s what it seems like, I don’t have DPS trinkets.

Shaman AoE is target capped. Keys are about large trash pulls. The 2 things do not go well together at all.

There’s a reason shamans have such low representation in keys.

I don’t even know what to say, Ele is just breathtakingly bad in keys.

Enhance is even worse. Ele is at least one of the top dogs in the 4-6 target range, it just drops off hard after that.

Enhance is target capped at 6 and isn’t even good at 6 targets.

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Not really. The class forums only get visited nowadays to post updates for us to read, but it’s extremely rare to see a blue post in any class forums as a response to grievances with the class. And I can’t really fault that, seeing as any blue post that gets put out anywhere on the forums immediately gets pounced on by unrelated topics, even if it’s just a CM who effectively can do nothing about the issues at hand.
I’d say if you’re going for exposure at all, Twitter and Reddit are far better places to get dev eyes on issues, the forums would be the last place I’d suggest.

rs, wfb, fstrikes, aote, and wfi all need to be baselined for survival to have any room to grow
or at the very least make rs/mb be a choice node
also throw out like half of the +%2pt nodes in the tree
it’s borderline a warcrime looking at that tree and then comparing it to rogue trees


shaman will not get any love. our tree have the more 2 point the you can see any other tree

I’ve tried both i keys lately.

If pulls stay in that 4-6 range I feel pretty good. Then a large pull comes around and my DPS is tripled by a BM hunter.

I’ve lived this before as a guardian druid. it sucks, I’m sorry.

I’ve lived this before as a shaman lol.

I think it was before BFA? “Sorry, we ran out of time for elemental shaman before the expansion launch. it will definitely come during the .1 patch” I wish I could find the exact release, but that is what was relayed to the shaman community.

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Definitely feel for you, at least there’s hope for a revamp down the line. Warriors aren’t in a terrible place but Blizzard has been dead silent about the common complaint/issue with our specs, so I have 0 hope it’ll get even a token change in TWW.

And shaman have also had the same dead silence. So no clue why we’d have hope.