Rare is recruiting for WoTLK Raids!
Currently full clearing 25 Naxx, Maly, Sarth3D in one night.
We are led by multi CE retail players who are very experienced in all of Wrath content when it was current.
We are looking to pick up an various DPS classes for 25-player raids.
Raid times will be Wednesday/Monday 8:30PM-11:30PM EST.
Please fill out this very short app https://forms.gle/XbKrLeLS2qip2BAw9
Our history:
We have many core members who have cleared all of WoTLK heroic and hardmode content when it was first launched.
We also have members who have achieved Cutting Edge achievements in Siege of Orgrimmar, Hellfire Citadel, Emerald Nightmare, Nya’lotha, Castle Nathria, Sepulcher of the First Ones.
Bumping up. Come kill things with us.
Good morning. Happy Monday bump.
Great, thanks for the quick responses. I’ll go ahead and pop into the discord if you’d like, that way I can win you over with my charming personality instead of grinding to 70
I kid, of course. I am very excited to play WotLK again and try to reclaim some of my teenage years back, or at least trick my brain into thinking that’s what’s happening. I’m gonna be doing everything in my power to hit 70 before wrath launch, even if that means using my boost on an already close to max character if need be. I should be able to get these last pesky levels completed, though.
Bumping up, Looking for Ranged DPS / Resto Shaman / Holy Pally.
Continuing to look for 1 non paladin tank / mages, warlocks, Holy Paladin
Currently looking for a multi-spec healer, shamans, hunters
On the hunt for Elemental Shaman
Looking for warlocks, elemental shamans
Looking for dedicated and active prot warrior among elemental shaman, warlocks
We are still recruiting strong DPS. We currently clear all content including 3 drake sarth in about 2.5 hours on wednesday.
Bumping up, still recruiting strong DPS.
Looking for DPS that can put out strong numbers! All classes are being considered.
Still looking for people to fill a couple raid spots.
Still looking for more raiders. All classes considered.