[A] Rally - Multiple teams LFM

Long term Dalaran alliance guild is LFM for multiple teams! Please see below for the copypasta and individual team info :slight_smile:

Guild & Server: Rally :alliance: Dalaran (US)
Recruitment Contacts: Val#8205 (disc)
Website & Application: https://www.rallyguild.io/
Raider.io: https://raider.io/guilds/us/dalaran/Rally

Team: S.N.O.R.T.
Raid Times & Days: Thursday 8:30 - 11:30 pm EST
Current Progression: 1/11M SotFO; 5/10M SoD

Team: Honk Town
Raid Times & Days: Thursday 8:30-11:30 pm EST
Current Progression: 10/11H SotFO

Team: Meow for Help
Raid Times & Days: Tuesday 8-11 pm EST
Current Progression: 2/11H SotFO; 10/10H (AoTC) SoD

Requirements: Guild and individual raid team requirements found on our website. But looking for strong players ready to have fun in an active environment!
Needs: Exceptional DPS (Boomie, hunter, mage, lock, DK), healers; one tank spot available. All considered