[A] Rally is Recruiting!

Afternoon gamers! Rally as a guild has been around for over 6 years. We’ve got four raid teams, a very active m+ community, a pretty social discord (if that’s your thing), alt raids and a well organized crafting crew. Blast a few other games as well on the side. If I’ve caught your interest you can find out more at https://www.rallyguild.io, my disc handle (Val#8205) or feel free to hit me up here. GL in your own search!

Here’s the details for each team:

Guild & Server: Rally (Cross-Faction) - Dalaran
Recruitment Contact: Val#8205
Website: https://www.rallyguild.io/
Raider.IO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/dalaran/Rally
Requirements: Responsible and fun adults looking for a long-term gaming community and home.

Team Name: Goose Garglers
Team Raid Times/Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST
Team Progression: 3/9M, 9/9H ASC; 7/8M VoI
Requirements: Experienced, strong players with a great attitude who are comfortable doing their own prep and looking for a community home.
Needs: Enhance sham and Ranged DPS
Vibes: Memey, fun and mature while still killing bosses.

Team Name: Healers Aren’t Legitimate People
Team Raid Times/Days: Thursdays 8:30pm EST to 11:30pm EST
Team Progression: 1/9M, 9/9H ASC; 4/8M VoI
Requirements: Consistent players with a great attitude who are looking to make the most of a one day a week raid team.
Needs: Strong Ranged DPS
Vibes: Organized but light hearted, equal parts wholesome and…not so much.

Team Name: Emotional Support Taivans
Team Raid Times/Days: Tuesdays 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST
Team Progression: 7/9N ASC; 8/8H VoI
Requirements: Players looking to get AotC at a relaxed pace in a fun and positive team environment
Needs: Rogue, Mage, flex tank and flex heals. All DPS encouraged to apply!
Vibes: High energy with a solid structure.

Team Name: Chadderall
Team Raid Times/Days: Sundays 7:30pm EST to 10:30pm EST
Team Progression: 9/9H ASC; 8/8H VoI
Requirements: Strong players looking for smooth heroic clears and focus on m+
Needs: Enhance Shaman, Warlock, Monk, Mage and Boomkin
Vibes: Performance orientated gamers looking for an efficient crew.

Still on the hunt for players for all 3 teams! Got about 3 spots left for our returning CE team, 2 spots left on the one day a week mythic team, and 3 spots on the AoTC team.

Update: SNORT and MH are full, and I’ve got 1-2 ranged DPS spots left for our two night mythic team

Updated to reflect current recruiting needs. Come heal the raids and keys, stay for the memes!

Just quit Wrath Classic to come and focus more on retail. Currently running a Havoc DH sitting @ 397 Ilevel, but I can level something else that fits the guilds needs.

I was logging high 90s on my UH DK over on classic (can link later) but after recent nerfs and some guild direction changes, I decided to move back over to retail.

If you’re interested, let me know! Have a great day.

Once again, bumping to reflect updated needs. Shoot me a lil message!

Hey Devinedh, sorry for the late reply, got a bit swamped there. Unfortunately we’re brutally overstacked on melee and only really hunting for ranged DPS atm, but I hope you’ve had some luck finding a spot in the time since your post.

Updated once again to reflect updated progress, our current needs and introduce our newest team!

Updated ahead of S2 Launch :slight_smile:

Updated now that the season opening dust has settled :slight_smile: