Afternoon gamers! Rally as a guild has been around for over 6 years. We’ve got four raid teams, a very active m+ community, a pretty social discord (if that’s your thing), alt raids and a well organized crafting crew. Blast a few other games as well on the side. If I’ve caught your interest you can find out more at, my disc handle (Val#8205) or feel free to hit me up here. GL in your own search!
Here’s the details for each team:
Guild & Server: Rally (Cross-Faction) - Dalaran
Recruitment Contact: Val#8205
Requirements: Responsible and fun adults looking for a long-term gaming community and home.
Team Name: Goose Garglers
Team Raid Times/Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST
Team Progression: 3/9M, 9/9H ASC; 7/8M VoI
Requirements: Experienced, strong players with a great attitude who are comfortable doing their own prep and looking for a community home.
Needs: Enhance sham and Ranged DPS
Vibes: Memey, fun and mature while still killing bosses.
Team Name: Healers Aren’t Legitimate People
Team Raid Times/Days: Thursdays 8:30pm EST to 11:30pm EST
Team Progression: 1/9M, 9/9H ASC; 4/8M VoI
Requirements: Consistent players with a great attitude who are looking to make the most of a one day a week raid team.
Needs: Strong Ranged DPS
Vibes: Organized but light hearted, equal parts wholesome and…not so much.
Team Name: Emotional Support Taivans
Team Raid Times/Days: Tuesdays 8:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST
Team Progression: 7/9N ASC; 8/8H VoI
Requirements: Players looking to get AotC at a relaxed pace in a fun and positive team environment
Needs: Rogue, Mage, flex tank and flex heals. All DPS encouraged to apply!
Vibes: High energy with a solid structure.
Team Name: Chadderall
Team Raid Times/Days: Sundays 7:30pm EST to 10:30pm EST
Team Progression: 9/9H ASC; 8/8H VoI
Requirements: Strong players looking for smooth heroic clears and focus on m+
Needs: Enhance Shaman, Warlock, Monk, Mage and Boomkin
Vibes: Performance orientated gamers looking for an efficient crew.