Hi there!
Raiding Rainbow is recruiting! We are looking for more players to join our laid back relaxed guild! We are not only looking for raiding to fill our 25m ICC core but we are also looking for players of all kinds!
Our raid days are Tuesday/Friday 8PM to Midnight Server
If you have any questions please feel free to add me on bnet or discord!
Soraslight on disc
Sora#1986 on bnet
Can you fly twice as high?
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Do you need healers? I have a 5k GS Resto shaman main that I’d like to raid on. He is close to having a higher GS with a few more runs. Old school raider, so I am familiar with the Wrath raids. Also have other toons but not high GS, so I would need help gearing but my preference is my shaman.
We’d be able to help gear if need be! and we do need healers!
What do you need most? I have an HPally and Resto Shaman (current main). I can play the shaman any spec but cool with another class if it helps the guild.
It would be nice to have a Hpal!
I will add you and whisper when we are both on.