[A] Raid Teams and Times

Post your raid team leaders and times below and I’ll add them to this OP.

If you like raiding at 6p Pacific this is a very good server for you. Raids are 3 hours unless otherwise noted. Guilds will eventually be ordered by date of first Ragnaros kill.

I’m trying to get a later raid going myself, 9p Tuesdays GDKP. Post here if interested and I’ll contact yah.

Raid Team #:
Molten Core runs Days and Times
Discord link for applicants
Officer toon names / Battle dot net IDs
Loot System
Date of First Ragnaros Kill

I won’t be updating applicant needs though, that changes too frequently, people can just post their needs here.

Split raid groups (~20-30 people per group)
G1: Tues 7p G2: Wed 7p
Officers: Tank, Furen, Scorpionn, Bigsnax, Ragnaros, Wawaicetea, Topscandal
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: Sept 20th (and the lucky #$^$#@# got Eye of Sulfuras too)

Space Force:
Tues/Thurs 6p RT1, 6p for RT2, 9p RT3,
Discord: TBA
Officer: Torgrym, Celein, Zo, Geno, Desy, Torile / Medekaih, Bleulaser for DKP
LS: RT1 is LC / RT2 is LC / RT3 is DKP / RT4 is undetermined yet
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: Sept 18 RT1, Sept 25, RT2, Oct 8, RT3

War Machine 1:
Fri 5p
Discord: TBA
Officer: TBA
Loot System: TBA
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: Mid to late October

War Machine 2:
Sat 5:30p
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: Late October

War Machine 3:
Sundays 5p
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: TBA

War Machine 4:
Saturday Mornings, TBA

Don’t Panic
Tues/Thurs 6:30p
Disc: TBA
Officers: Mughsy, Rutheford, Gargleblast, Willowmage
Loot: TBA
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: TBA

Hand of Uther:
Tues/Thurs 7p
Discord: TBA
Officers: Rifleman
Loot: LC
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: Mid-October

Tues/Thurs 5:30p

Tuesdays 5p
Discord: TBA
Officers: TBA
Loot: TBA

Praetorian Guards
Tue/Thu/Sat 6pm server
Officers: Tycos, Mirray, Holysaviour, Viernes, Jueves, Kazon
Loot System: SK
Rag: 11/14/19

Tues/Thurs 6p
Discord: TBA
Officers: TBA
Loot: TBA

Tues/Thurs 6p
Discord: TBA
Officers: TBA
Loot: TBA

Fallen Angels:
Thu-Sat 7/8p (TBA)
Discord: TBA
Officers: TBA
Loot: TBA

Disbanded Redux

Lazy River

Mything Persons

Solar: Fridays 6:30p
Lunar: Tues/Sat 8 or 8:30p
Officer: Kittehkat
Loot: DKP

Tues/Sat 6p
Discord: TBA
Officer toon names / Battle dot net IDs: TBA
Rag: 10/26

Forlorn Legacy
Thurs/Sun 6p

Tues/Thurs 6p ?
Loot: TBA

The Third Time
Tues/Weds 8 or 9p
Loot: TBA
Officers: Kalimi

Deathwatch Collective and Cygnus Knights
Thurs/Sat? 8p?

Avatar of Blanchy

Officers: Guacamole
Rag: December or earlier

Prophecy is currently looking into a second team, but we’ll let people people know in game if we’re looking to pug some slots. Other than that, we keep it to the discord and guild chats for now.

1st team raid times are Tuesday and Saturday, 6PM, with ony head turn-ins 15 minutes ahead of schedule when available, and ony herself done on tuesdays before MC. Seems space force and/or war machine have teams launching at this time as well with similar plans. No need to include officer names and discord links atm, as we add members from in-guild to fill no-show slots.

Loot system is loot council, but for the most part we’re likely moving on from that as rag just went down last saturday.



Reforged downed every boss in this phase server first. :wink:

Tues/Thurs 6p RT1, 6p for RT2, 9p RT3,
Discord: TBA
Officer: Torgrym, Celein, Zo, Geno, Desy, Torile / Medekaih, Bleulaser for DKP
Loot System: RT1 is LC / RT2 is LC / RT3 is DKP / RT4 is undetermined yet
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: Sept 20th, server 2nd RT1, Sept 25, RT2, Oct 8, RT3

We’re going to have our 4th team up and running in the next week or so I will update when that forms. Thank you for doing this. Can we request a sticky please?

Split raid groups (~20-30 people per group)
Group 1 - Tuesday 7 pm. Group 2 - Wednesday 7 pm.
Website: Reforged.info
Officer toon names: Tank, Quash, Furen, Scorpionn, Bigsnax, Ragnaros, Topscandal, Manger, Aladir, Completeheal
Loot System: Loot council
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: server first on Sept 19th with some outside help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC0V71iO9y8
Kill screen & family photo: imgur com/HLlAhFV.png

Praetorian Guards
Raid Team #1
Tue/Thu/Sat 6pm server
Discord: discord.gg/rkSJ5MB
Officers: Tycos, Mirray, Holysaviour, Viernes, Jueves, Kazon
Loot System: Suicide Kings
Date of First Ragnaros Kill: ETA 11/14/19

Added a bunch of guilds, trying to get it current for BWL.

Praetorian Guards now uses a DKP loot system.