A question for Tanks that do M+

I honestly don’t know why I see so many tanks griping. Yah there’s some mechanics you need to avoid…that’s a good thing. I also understand brewmaster needs a buff but the other tanks seem to be doing just fine, as long as they are using their defensives at the right times and avoiding tank killing mechanics.

It’s because there is a high task load for tanking. We need to learn routes in a way dps players don’t need to, knowing positioning requirements, which packs have frontals, high priority interrupts, non interruptible but high priority stops, and then high awareness for when people, accidentally or on purpose, pull more, managing off heals, dispels, or other utilities, and doing it all with a constant push from dps to pull more.

In the past, tanks got accustomed to doing all of this while being secure in their survival. Now, with the increased incoming damage, less mitigation, and brutal tankbusters that require a defensive or die, survival is actually another skill check.

While I think it’s more fun to have a higher degree of challenge, I have learned over the years that I represent a distinct minority in the game population in that regard. The vast majority wants to reach success with less difficulty. Anytime the same level of rewards will require a higher degree of play there is going to be griping. It’s one of the reasons that game designers sometimes need to ignore what “everyone is saying”, because they understand what is good for the game and not just placating people looking for something easier.

That said, the lack of tanks relative to the number of dps players is certainly a real problem, and maybe placating people like me isn’t as valuable as making it easy enough for more people to enjoy doing the role. I don’t know the answer.


Numbers show that the ratio between unique character tanks to key completions are virtually the same between this season and DF S3.

And if that’s the case, then there is no reason to make it easier. If those numbers are accurate then the added difficulty isn’t turning people away from tanking and those of us who enjoy meeting a challenge can have fun with a more demanding role.

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It’s clear that the real problem is how everyone’s argument one way or another finds it’s way back to what a streamer said. It’s like “journalism” that does a shotty reporting job and then other sources use that as their primary source. People need to remember that streamers are just players and don’t have access to secret data.

Like this one. Lmao.

If tanks are the limiting factor for both seasons you would expect the data to be similar.

Not necessarily. If there was a tank shortage in one season in particular then you would see a statistical difference in the total Unique Tank population in relation to completed runs. Less tanks in the pool would mean each one ran more of the overall keys. More tanks would mean each ran less of the overall. There was a big difference in ratio when you looked at DF S4 if I recall.

I mean people’s perceptions are important in a game.


I read the first line and was already over it. Tanks literally have the easiest job in every single dungeon and raid. Y’all have the least amount of mechanics to pay attention to and also have the benefit of knowing that even if you ignore some mechanics you’ll prolly survive with your multiple healing abilities (depending on the tank) and your own personal healer who prioritizes keeping you alive above everyone else. Knowing routes is not really as big a deal as some of y’all make it. Yah you need to know which mobs to pull to make mythics as efficient as possible. A 30 seconds YouTube video will give you that info or just running the dungeon a few times will. It’s not that complicated. Meanwhile healers smashing buttons praying the DPS stops doing stupid crap and the tank will stop standing in everything. The DPS is playing acrobatics avoiding every single thing that’s thrown at them and trying to parse the highest. Not to say any of them are that hard but tanking is literally the easiest role to fill. Tanking in dragon flight didn’t really fill any more difficult then it feels right now.

This is maybe one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen written on these forums. Raids? Sure, tanking is definitely easiest in raids. But dungeons? You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about if you typed that with a straight face.

I have to know every mechanic, including the ones that healers and dps never have to worry about if I do my job correctly.

Sure, ignore a tankbuster and see what happens… I recommend the ones in Stonevault and Grim Batol in particular.

It doesn’t seem like a big deal when you get to ride on the coattails of someone who is prepared. It’s different entirely when you have to be the one doing it.

How do you expect a 30 second video to cover 8 thirty minute dungeons? This is another super low IQ idea.

Right. With backseat dps and healers viciously complaining if you miss a % or pull one pack too many. Sounds fun.

Healers are also a high taskload role now.

The dps have to do the same mechanics the tank and healer have, and doing nothing else but damage. The dps have the easiest role in dungeons by miles, and it’s laughable that you think it’s even comparable. They don’t have to know anything as long as the tank and healer are competent, and truthfully, most of them don’t know anything. You are obviously part of that group.

Tanking in DF was much easier than it is now because it was almost impossible to die, even for bad tanks. Now there are a number of places where tanks are vulnerable if they don’t play correctly, and that’s why some people are complaining.

Grats on one of the worst posts I’ve ever seen though!


Must be joking.


how unsurprising.

Tanks literally have the easiest job in every single dungeon and raid.

how often can you die in a M+ and the group keep going as a DPS?
how often can you die in a M+ and the group keep going as a tank?

Y’all have the least amount of mechanics to pay attention to

half the mechanic in any dungeon are tank-only mechanics.

if you ignore some mechanics you’ll prolly survive

what key level are you doing? 4? 6? there’s a lethal tank buster every 12 second for 25 minute in GB.

our own personal healer who prioritizes keeping you alive

Tanks literally don’t get targetted by healers.

Knowing routes is not really as big a deal as some of y’all make it

so I won’t ever hear you complaining about routes?

A 30 seconds YouTube video will give you that info

obviously, because every DPS is the same. every tank is the same. there’s no such thing as a strategy to gather mob…

Meanwhile healers smashing buttons praying the DPS stops doing stupid crap

this might be the one true thing in your rant.

The DPS is playing acrobatics avoiding every single thing that’s thrown at them

or… ignoring most of it then blaming tank/healer if they don’t. If you struggle to do mechanic and DPS at the same time the worst that will happen is you’ll do a bit less damage.

if you struggle to do mechanic and tank at the same time you die. then the group die, then the run is over. And you over more mechanic to care about, and you’ll get blamed if the rest of the group is unable to handle mechanic “” oh no! you pulled 3 caster at once this is impossible!“”

and trying to parse the highest.

the irony here is you can time 10s doing less than 30% of your class potential damage.

tanking is literally the easiest role

sure. Keep thinking that while LFG’ing, waiting for a tank.


You put a lot of effort there proving how easy it is to tank…thanks. I’ve tanked with pallies, dks, warriors, and droods since TBC and it’s easy. There’s 0 rotation, 0 skill required, and 0 danger with a half decent group. The only knowledge you really need is when to hit your defensives and nowadays every tank has multiple defensives to use. It’s not complicated. This isn’t to say a good tank doesn’t require some more effort or that I don’t appreciate a good tank more then a bad tank but to sit here and act like y’all have this overwhelmingly tough job because you have to know the routes? We all know the routes at this point. We all knew the routes 2 weeks into the expansion. That’s not really a skill that you had to learn the routes lol.

You must play with some really bad groups to say healers don’t prioritize tanks. No you won’t ever hear me complain about routes…cu that dumb and not a skill to know the routes when you’ve done every mythic on 10+ 20-30 times minimum this season. It’s not complicated to follow a clear path Ina dungeon and be efficient with killing mobs. As for dying in a dungeon yah if a tank dies it typically means the group wipes… Refer to your first point. Play with healers that prioritize the right target to heal? Kind of seemed obvious there. As for ignoring mechanics…yah obviously tanks can’t ignore ALL mechanics. I never said they could. I mean if they could they’d be even easier to play and at this point it can’t get much easier. As to the rest of your points im bored. If y’all wanna act like your job Is just so rough play something else. You have the easiest job hands down in the group. You can be mad about that or not. I don’t really care. Its funny though because y’all get so angry hearing the truth. I’d imagine if you told DPS they had the easiest job wed just laugh and not respond. But you little princesses take offense to it like someone took away your barbie dolls. It’s gonna be okay.

Before M+ there was nothing challenging for tanks, so this doesn’t really mean anything. You only just started doing M+ in Dragonflight and obviously haven’t learned enough about it to understand what’s going on.

You’re right of course, I don’t push any buttons, the mobs group and position themselves, and as long as I have a good group I never need to worry about a tankbuster globaling me.

Except you don’t know the routes. You think you do, and if the % is too high or too low you’ll complain about it. But you don’t know which packs have frontals. You don’t know which packs have tankbusters. You don’t know which packs have group wiping high priority casts. You don’t know which groups you can combine and which ones you can’t because of the interactions between these issues. You don’t know which packs are in danger of getting adds from a patrol if you don’t move them. I know all of this about every single pull in all 8 dungeons, and I also do it while tracking healer mana, dps cds, and seeing watching interrupts from the rest of the group to see if they’re able to handle bigger caster pulls or if I have to pull around my own individual interrupting ability. And there are a number of pulls where I’m juggling all of these demands simultaneously, which is a task load that dps players simply don’t face.

I’m a slightly above average caliber player, and I have no trouble saying it is a large task load. Maybe you’re miles better than me and it’s easy for you. If so, I’m not sure why your M+ score is lower than mine in each of the few seasons you’ve played, or why your score and portal achievements are weeks, months, and sometimes a full year behind mine, but sure, maybe you’re way better and more knowledgeable about this than me and you just prefer underperforming.


bro, you have 2.6k io and 0 mythic kill, not even pug… how the F do you think you can comment on anyone skill?

ot a skill to know the routes when you’ve done every mythic on 10+ 20-30 times minimum this season

so you don’t actually know what routing means.

As for dying in a dungeon yah if a tank dies it typically means the group wipes… Refer to your first poin

you missed the other half of the question… let me answer it for you: DPS have so little responsabilities you can have one of them AFK at the zone-in for the entire run and still 2-chest the key. that’s what random boosting communities do all day long.

You have the easiest job hands down in the group

a random FOTM DPS doing 10s commenting about someonelse job being easy… the irony.

I’d imagine if you told DPS they had the easiest job wed just laugh and not respond

nah, you’d complain about it while the tank solo the boss you just died to, cause you couldn’t be bothered to press one defensive per minute.


What are you talking about? You have 12 timed 10+ all season, total, not each, and the + is a little silly considering 10 is your highest in each dungeon.

Yes, because most of you are morons, present company included. You’re a poster child for Dunning Kruger. You have no idea what a (donkey) you’re making of yourself…

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Lol I enjoyed reading your post. So …you think I just started doing mythics in dragon flight, that’s incorrect, but what would it matter if I had? As if the difficulty were talking about is right now and not then. What’s it matter? It has 0 relevance to this argument. And Jesus Christ with this knowing the routes or complaining about % lol. I don’t complain. I’m not much on complaining. I’m the guy that says crap we gotta go back and move on. Y’all getting real heated over something so insignificant. Your jobs easy. That’s all I’m saying. If y’all wanna act like it’s tough because you have to know everything the rest of the group already knows then fine lol. Good job on having to know exactly what every DPS and healer knows in the group. If that’s what makes this rough I’m sorry. Just follow the healer around if that’s the toughest part of your job lol. Lastly I’ll concede. Maybe your right. Maybe tanking is super hard and I, and most people who play tank, find it super easy to play. Maybe we’ve become so overly great at the game that the hardest role to play has been conquered by us mere mortals and we now laugh at y’all for acting like y’all have it so tough. Or it might just be possible it’s not that complicated of a role to play. Have a goodn.

So I don’t know if you know this or not but many people have alts. It’s a new concept. Started around 20 years ago when people decided to play more then 1 class. Silly I know.

This just kind of made me laugh because nearly every failed group I’ve seen is typically a bad tank or healer. Sure there’s plenty of bad dpsers out there. Not gonna argue that. I don’t know who dunning Kruger is but maybe that’s a good thing? I could Google but I just don’t care.

Your first M+ FOS achievements were in Dragonflight, so even if you did some keys earlier, none of them were high enough to matter. It matters because you don’t have much experience. You’re ripping off this hot take and you have no idea what you’re talking about because you’re able to coast along as a dps while better players do all the work and you don’t even know what’s going on around you.

And you’re wrong lol, you just have no idea what you’re talking about.

I’m pretty certain there are few, if any, dps or heal players in my score bracket who know what I know about each dungeon. They just don’t have the need, and my experience is players don’t bother learning something they don’t need to learn. Most of them don’t even learn the things they actually do need to learn.

Who’s your tank? I’d love to see what you’re actually tanking that makes you so arrogantly ignorant about the role.

Most serious M+ players, the kind who have the expertise to make an informed assessment of the requirements of each role, have their alts linked in raiderio. Besides which, your account wide FOS achievements don’t indicate that you have a high level of expertise.

What’s even funnier is you probably don’t even know why the failed groups you’ve been in failed, and you just assume it’s bad tanking or bad healing because they’re easy scapegoats for the uninformed.

While I occasionally have a healer who is not up to the task of the key level they signed up for, the failed groups I’ve been in are almost always a result of low awareness dps players, who often don’t even know they’re the reason we failed.