A question about the Beta access included in the overpriced TWW edition

can confirm I have 0 intention of doing any testing whatsoever

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What if the true testing is the friends we made along the way.

Yes, because that’s what happened with Mists beta that was handed out to everyone.

Overpriced how exactly?

Base Expansion - $49.99
Level 70 Boost - $60.00
Mount - $25.00
Battle Pet - $10.00
30 day sub - $15.00

Total Separately - $159.99

But sure it’s overpriced :rofl: :rofl:


People actin like others bought the edition because of early access and beta and not the other stuff that came with it.

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i got it due to the mount pet and the boost
saving that for a shaman or druid blood elf

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Precisely, i’d give a good 90+% got it for the stuff you mentioned and not early access to the game.

the early access was just the bonus

Only 3 huh? Anyway $90 for everything you get is a steal IMO. But dont worry I’ve been involved in 16 beta tests and have money so I got you.

A lot of people believe anything over the cost of your sub and the xpac is “overpriced.”

And I guess I get their point. It is arbitrary prices put on digital goods.

But I don’t see the point in complaining about it. Not saying the OP is complaining, I mean in general. All digital goods are 100% optional.


They have done this before. Wasn’t the case then. Isn’t going to be the case now either.

People who get the pre-order is getting it for all of the things. Not just one thing.

This is more common with those who receive a random beta invite than whenever they have had a system for it. Prior beta invites, high performing PvP or PvE players, etc.

It won’t.
Not enough folks will test the game properly. Then people will complain on the forums. And even when something gets fixed or explained, folks will pretend it never happened. This has always been the case, and is sadly very likely to continue:

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they act like the people who get random invites actual test the game and dont treat it like a free demo. the people who want to test will test and the rest will treat it like a demo, regardless of how they got the invite.

When I was younger I would actually try to test games, but now I definitely just use them as a free demo lmao

when i done the beta of titan fall 1 the starter handgun they gave you was op auto head shoot locked on and i suggest it be a later lvl unlock not at the start.
i got called many names on the forums that day.

but when the game went live a lot of player complained about that handgun

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Lol typical, hard to please gamers imo

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oh i know and it took no skill to use it

Well, I should expect it, I guess, this being Gruesome Discussion and all. I ask a question, merely curious and people respond with putdowns on my suggesting the most highly priced of the 3 is ‘overpriced’ (so I edited that out, forgive me for having an opinion, but there ya go) and that my comment was some sort of hidden grouch at it being part of it.

So, harken to me! - its not a hidden grouch. Ultimately I really don’t care one way or the other, since I won’t be buying it and therefore having it or not is irrelevant to me. But if people want to assume I am hiding something (yes, you there, what are you hiding) nothing I can say will stop them.

I have a capuccino calling my name, I shall venture forth into the real world and get it. :coffee:

My post wasn’t a jab at you, btw. I was just answering someone’s question.

I know how you feel. I didn’t get it as bad as you but I did get Customer Serviced today. Imo they can be worse than the GD.

I doubt a bunch of people bought the epic edition to the point where blizzard needs to reduce beta invs.

The meltdowns will be by players who think that “beta access” = early access to a full-featured and playable game. They show up in every thread on alpha and beta access.