[A | PvE | Pagle] <Weekend Warriors> | Raids: Friday 21:00-00:00


<Weekend Warriors> will be focused on 1 regularly scheduled raid night per week and a dedication to helping our members prepare for that raid, through time, dungeons, and crafting and to helping our members enjoy their raiding experience.

While our primary focus will always be moving forward through the raid content available, there are those among our leadership who still enjoy PvP content while on a PvE server and are happy to organize World and Battle Ground PvP events to the tastes of those who chose to venture forth with us.

How to Apply

Join our discord and say ‘hello’ in the lobby: https://discord.gg/NzNzekv

If for some reason the above link does not work, please reach out to me at Pyrese#1634 on bnet or Red Mage#9320 on discord.

Raid Times

9 PM - 12:00 AM ET (8PM - 11PM CT)


Loot Distribution

Loot will be distributed according to EP/GP (Effort Points/Gear Points) as documented here: https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/EPGP
In short, if you are in the raid or on standby you get Effort Points. If you receive loot, you get Gear Points. If an item drops and you want it, you receive that item if your ratio of EP to GP is greater than the other players who want that item.

Both EP and GP will decay over time.

There will be priority given to PvE use over PvP use and for Main Spec over Off Spec. For example, Bone Reaver’s Edge would go to an Arms Warrior before going to a Holy Paladin for their PvP AP Ret set.

For Legendary items, such as Eye of Sulfuras or Bindings of the Windseeker, a loot list will be used and made public.

Why EP/GP?

It is our belief that EP/GP compensates raid members fairly while allowing newer raid members a chance to catch up. It adopts a “what have you done for us lately” perspective that prevents long term raiders from resting on a huge bank of DKP, only to show up to the raids or bosses that have the drops they need without helping other raiders to down those objectives that they need.

Why Loot List?

The presence of Legendary items with in a guild contribute to the long term health of that guild both for morale and for their aid in raid performance. For this reason, an ordered list will be posted to indicate the order in which all those interested in such items can expect to receive them, assuming we ever see 1 drop.

Attendance and performance in raids will be taken into account as well as external contributions such as helping to manage the guild, moderate members, manage assets, provide resources for raiders, individual efforts to complete prerequisites, etc.

Expectations of Raiders for Raids

  1. Arrive at the designated instance on time with food and water.
  2. Be aware of the basic encounter mechanics.
  3. Listen to your Raid and Class leaders during any necessary explanations.
  4. Have fun and get to know each other. This is a social game and a social guild.

Expectations of Leadership for Raids

  1. Assist raiders in preparing for raid night by enabling them to acquire consumables and assisting with gearing in dungeons, through crafting, or advice.
  2. Communicate encounter mechanics and assignments to raiders.
  3. Lead by example, not position.
  4. Be kind.
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Alliance or horde? Sorry if i missed it in the above post!

What sort of class needs are there?

Was planning to roll human mage myself.

We will be rolling Alliance and all classes are needed and wanted.

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